Monday 20 August 2012

Picture This....

(Oddly enough, this looks like we're going backwards...or maybe she was just tired of getting fur in her eyes)

Well, I guess I was getting a bit too haughty for my own good....I thought I would try to add a photo of Georgia, on behalf of Erica, just to see how easy/hard it was.  And I thought I'd become a Bloggin' Whiz with a wonderful post complete with photo.  Alas, I don't know where it went.  Blog Heaven perhaps, 'cuz it truly was a lovely blog.  But I'm at work, and I'll try once more to insert a photo and then get back to what I should be doing.  Here's Sweet Georgia "blowin' in the wind" on the way back from the Lalondes...Despite the fact that he gets walked twice a day, Murphy was sound asleep in the back, recovering from our 5k hike on Saturday.  I've noticed he's a little slower at bounding up when I stand up to move, though it might have something to do with the fact that I'm getting up slower. 

The truly observant will notice that I've used the Georgia font....just sayin'

That's it for now, and heerrrrreeee's Georgie!!  Oh.  The photo popped in at the top.  Oh well.

Mom xxx

PS  It didn't go into Blog Heaven.  It was saved as a draft, but it seemed redundant now so I deleted it.  Let this be a lesson to all.