Wednesday 19 June 2013

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's......yep, it's a plane.

Lucienne's new obsession are planes. She can hear them before anyone else and will start incessantly say, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy..." until I finally say, "Yes Luci" and she'll excitingly point up to the sky and say "Plane!!" although it comes out sounding more like "pane". I think she has actually seen maybe 4 of the 500 she's pointed out.

Today a bright red one flew really low over our house and I thought her little almost-2-year-old body was going to explode. It was kind of infectious. We all stood in the backyard screaming plane while waving at it.

I think she just might have a little bit of her Grandpa in her.