Friday 23 November 2012

My Lucky Day

I've been an on-and-off listener of CHUM-FM since way-back-when.  It was the young people's station when I moved to Toronto back in 1970 and over the years it's mellowed somewhat -- and the Morning Show has always been a favourite.  Since the additon of Darren to the team, mornings always have at least one good laugh!  That guy has a real King-kind of humour...Anywho, since Murphy the Dog has come into my life, the timing of their early morning contests usually happen right as I'm preparing to take him out for his morning walk so if I'm near the phone, I start dialing.  I particularly like the BEAT THE BANK contest and over the past few years that they've been running it, I've made it through about 3 times but always before being the 25th caller.  But this past Tuesday, my luck changed.  I knew right when the call was answered that I was Caller Number 25, but when she asked me "And why are you calling?", all I could think of was "Santa and money"..."You mean, BEAT THE BANK?"  Thanks goodness they're not too sticky on contestants knowing the exact contest name!  The bank vaults started at $300, then $400, then $600, then $900 and I was prepared to go all the way to $50,000 until Roger commented that the previous day's caller had stopped at $900 and it had gone all the way to $50,000.  It was then that I knew the gig was up -- No way would it go "all the way" two days in a I gave it one more try and $1000 was mine if I wanted it: "I'm going to take the money and run!"  Fortunately the bells rang after $1,300 so I was totally jazzed with my winnings.  What a great way to start the Christmas season!!!  Mind you, the money's already tagged for spending, but it was totally fun to finally make it through the phone lines to win.  As far as I know, niece Wendy is the only who knew it was me on the radio.  She commented that she was getting ready to go out for her morning coffee when she heard BEAT THE BANK start and didn't even give it a nod when she heard the name Mary, but then she said she heard me laugh and stopped in her tracks...she knew that laugh.  And then I mentioned I lived in Huttonville, and she said "that's my Aunt Mary!!!" 

Winning won't stop me from dialing in, but I'll leave it for this round of the contest.  It feels kind of greedy to keep trying.  Could have driven down into Toronto today to pick up the cheque, but I'm thinking this being Grey Cup weekend is no time to be venturing into the Big City.  It can wait until Monday.  It will feel good to have the winnings in hand...

Merry Christmas!
The Lucky Mom

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