Friday 3 May 2013

My One and Only Turns 35

Rene is 35. On the morning of his birthday Evelyn ran into his room, jumped on him in bed and shouted "You're 35 today!!!" Rene would have gladly just had a "Happy Birthday" instead of a declaration of actually being one year older.

We had a lovely birthday BBQ with good friends on the day of his birthday and another one on Sunday with our fabulous family.  As a sidenote...I just want to say that I love our family. I have amazing in-laws and immediate family members. I'm not sure how we lucked out to be here together on earth. I think we must have pulled one of those "if she/he goes, I go" up in heaven and threatened to defect the other side if our request wasn't granted. I can see us all with linked arms sitting in protest in front of God's mansion. Not only was I born into a solid family but the ones that have been added have just increased the stellar-ness of our bunch. There is no other group of people I'd rather be stuck with for all eternity! continuing with the birthday tradition, here are the first 35 things that come to mind when I think of my one and only (in random order):

1. Obviously he's handy. And not just in that do-it-yourselfer way that leaves the next home owner cringing at the work that's been done. He really knows how to do everything to perfection. In the middle of installing a couple doors on our back room I learn that he's never actually done it, just remembers a video he watched in school 10 years ago on how to do it. We've saved thousands and thousands of dollars because of this amazing talent of his.

2. He's athletic. I hope the girls get some of that athleticism from him because I've always enjoyed the sport of spectating over chasing a ball up and down a field. I'm lucky to have genetics on my side for this one.

3. He loves to serve. Or at least is willing to serve. There is rarely a family that moves in or our of our ward without his helping hands.

4. He doesn't stress out (home renovations excluded) and is laid-back when it comes to things that really don't matter.

5. He's easy on the eyes, and just keeps getting handsomer with every grey hair.

6. He cooks.

7. And cleans.

8. And puts the girls to bed.

9. He loves doing nail art. My limit is painting each finger a different colour but he will sit very patiently and create a masterpiece on each of their 40 fingernails. Even though most of it will be gone the next day.

10. He's all for me getting massages. Even when we're figuring out ways to cut back on the budget he still insists that they're a necessity.

11. He puts up with my desire to paint rooms different colours every year.

12. He smiles when he walks in to a room I've completely rearranged.

13. He knows how to chop wood. I gave it a go once and almost took off my leg. How he makes it look so easy is beyond me.

14. He's already figuring out ways to intimidate the boys our girls bring home.

15. He lets me sleep in.

16. Then has a delicious breakfast of crepes ready and waiting.

17. He makes crepes. Enough said.

18. He stops on his way home from work to pick me a bouquet of wild day lilies by the side of the road.

19. He tries really hard to stay awake when I get into my talking moods at bedtime.

20. He'll watch romantic comedies when I know he'd rather be watching an action zombie movie (which I refuse to watch)

21. He bears his testimony at church. The girls need to hear it. I hate doing it and have limited it to every time I have a baby (which I'm going to have to figure out a new criteria).

22. He's always game for my ideas, no matter how crazy they may seem at the time. No wheat? Sure. Sell the car and be a one-car family? Why not. Have another baby? If you think so (he would have been content with two). Buy a century home? As long as the foundation is sound. Get a dog? As long as it's big. I can always count on him to have my back and support me in decisions I think would be good for our family.

23. He doesn't expect me to iron his shirts.

24. He works everything. And not because he has to, because that's just who he is. I know they respect him at work for his work ethic and willingness to do anything, no job is beneath him. That has created job security for our family which is priceless in the economy these days.

25. He's thrifty and is a great saver. He doesn't buy frivolous things we've managed to stay out of debt as a one-income family.

26. He has a great sense of style. He's often better put together than I am and will usually be the one to send the girls back up for a wardrobe change.

27. He stays in shape and is conscientious about staying healthy.

28. He'll go grocery shopping at 10:00 at night when we really need milk and eggs. I know he would rather sit and relax but still he goes...letting me sit and relax instead.

29. He speaks French, and is opening up that road to the girls. What a great opportunity for them to expand their options when they're older.

30.  He has wonderful parents who are so supportive of our family and have taught him so many of these qualities that I love about him.

31. He loves Halloween, because I don't, which makes us a perfect holiday match. He'll get the girls all costumed up and takes them trick-or-treating while I can stay warm at home watching a girlie movie and eating all the Halloween candy.

32. He leaves the toilet seat down. In a house full of girls it's kind of obvious.

33. He's not into technology, which could go both ways but I'm so glad he's not glued to the screen the minute he walks through the door (or to a phone or other portable device). Although get him and Amelia into a game on her iPod and there's not much that can be done.

34. He holds other people's babies. Which I never knew how endearing it would be until I saw him making cooing faces to a baby who wasn't ours. So cute!

35. He's mine. He chose ME to marry and right from the beginning I had no doubts that we were meant to be together. I got the French hottie.

1 comment:

  1. How did I miss this one!!!!! I just clinked in to see if I could find out a date for something, in the hopes Erin commented on it, and up pops this RENE blog...absolutely loved it! What a guy...and he got the right gal.
