Saturday 28 January 2012

Another birthday down, one more to go!

Audree turned three today.

When I asked her what she wanted for dinner she didn't even have to think about it...cake. I told her that is great for dessert, how about dinner? This time she gave it a little more thought then said, "cake". I have no doubt she fully understood the question, who wouldn't want cake for dinner and dessert??!! With a little bit of help from her sisters pizza was declared to be the birthday dinner of choice. I seriously considered serving the cake first but just couldn't bring myself to do it. How would I ever get them back to the table? That would have only worked if we had cake late afternoon but as it was I wasn't ready and everybody wasn't here anyway. One of these days I'll be one of those spontaneous Moms who does crazy things like serve dessert first and create special memories kids write books about...until then, I'm shoving as much healthy food in them first before filling them up with sugar. You only need to meet Evelyn to know why.

The Birthday girl actually ended up sleeping most of the afternoon, finally waking up in time for the celebratory dinner. In a way that was a good thing. Lately she's been falling asleep at dinner so at least she had the stamina to party late.

So, my 10 favourite things about our Audree (in random order):

1. She loves being a big sister. No jealously, just love. I catch her breastfeeding her dolls (which is the cutest thing ever) although it took her a little while to distinguish belly button from nipple!! She loves hearing how much Lucienne loves her and will make sure there are plenty of toys for the baby to play with. Lets hope this lasts!!

2. Everything about her is sweet. I don't even know how to describe it...but she really is made with sugar and spice and everything nice.

3. She loves to twirl and will demonstrate it to everyone, everywhere. Strangers at the grocery store have seen her best twirly dresses at work.

4. She's such a great helper. She wants to vacuum, dust, do dishes, sweep, laundry, make beds...everything. She's surprisingly capable at these tasks too.

5. She has a great imagination. I love watching her create scenarios with her toys.

6. She calls me Mommy Bummy and thinks it's the funniest thing ever. She loves laughing at her sisters' jokes, even if she doesn't really know what they're about.

7. She loves her Dad and will randomly stop what she's doing and say, "Where's Daddy? I miss him so, so much." Usually with a little pout and big blinking doe eyes.

8. She's the first of the girls that will "read" a book with her own words. I love listening to her renditions of books we've read.

9. She loves talking about how big she is, usually by putting her hand on her head and saying, "I'm this big."

10. She never wants to be left behind. She'd rather go out with someone than stay home, doesn't matter where we're going or who's going. She's so easy to take out too, doesn't run off and loves helping pick things out.

That's our Audree...can't wait to see how she grows as a three-year-old!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Amelia's Baptism

Amelia's journal entry on her baptism (and Amelia, I promise I won't be publishing all your journal entries through teenagehood but this was too cute): "I got baptized. I was happy. I felt special and older. I enjoyed being there. We had cupcakes after." If it were up to her, her entry would have been all about the cupcakes. I sat beside her and tried to ask thought-provoking questions and offer "feeling" words that she could use to describe the day - she kept coming back to what we ate.

So, my feeling words about the day...I had an overwhelming sense of wanting to make sure she knew how much she is loved and how proud we are of the beautiful young girl she is. This whole week I've been thinking about how old she is and marveling at how much she knows and understands, yet when she changed into the baptismal dress she seemed so little again! The last time she was in all white was her baby blessing dress. Back then she had an all-knowing look in her eyes...she still has the same look, but now has the attitude to go with it.

I've been teasing her that once she's baptized I'm no longer responsible for any bad decisions she makes, and she would remind me that I won't get credit for anything good she does either. (I think it was Grandma who pointed that out to her). But it seems like she's really trying hard to develop her good qualities (maybe she's just going through a phase but I hope it sticks!!). Recently she's been more patient with her sisters, helpful around the house (both when asked and not), quick to respond to requests and just seems to really be trying to do what's right. And then she'll let one rip and we know it's still Amelia.

The baptism itself seemed to fly by. We were a bit late getting ready so I didn't feel like I had the time to dwell on the full significance of the event. I arrived last (but had the dress so I knew they couldn't start without me), ran to the bathroom to get Amelia dressed and didn't have time to take any pictures (FHE Monday night will be a mock "Amelia's getting baptized" photo-shoot...I'm even thinking of going to the chapel to make it authentic). On the way to the baptismal program I realized we hadn't picked out opening and closing songs. I hadn't changed or nursed Lucienne and she was long overdue for a nap. Luckily she's such an easy going baby that she stuck it out to the end with minimal complaining. The Bishop was presiding and thank-goodness Rene had the sense of mind to ask him if he'd like to say some thoughts/welcome her into the ward (this was after the closing song but at least it was tucked in there).

Amelia had asked Grandma, Grandmaman and Uncle Adam to bear their testimonies (we decided to scrap official talks on baptism and the Holy Ghost since they can drag sometimes and we all knew why we were there) and that to me is what made up for my feeling of disorganization. Amelia was surrounded by those who love and adore her. They each spoke to her about what she meant to them and what the church meant to them. They testified about the ordinance she was about to perform. It was perfect and reminded me that everything else is icing on the cupcake.

Friday 20 January 2012

The 8-Year-Old has Entered the Building

There's too much pressure in writing the first blog entry from our corner of the family so I waited for a monumental occasion that spoke for itself...Amelia's 8th birthday.

We had a lot riding on carseat, getting ears pierced, baptism of course and her being able to go to Activity Day Girls activities (this is in order based on Amelia's excitement level!!) Thursday we went together to a salon (sans carseat) and had pedicures followed with the highly anticipated piercing. She chatted happily for the hour of feet pampering out of excitement for the "real" reason we were there. Truthfully, she would have been more than happy to just have her ears done, the pedicure was more for me. When it came time, she put on a brave smile and barely flinched when the earrings went in. Later she admitted that it REALLY hurt but beauty is pain and she grinned and beared it (is that how you spell beared??). I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. Coming into the house, we were ambushed at the door by Evelyn who was bursting in half with excitement for Amelia and disappointment that she's not old enough (the story of her life right now unfortunately).

Day of Amelia's birthday - I'm not sure who was more excited, her or Evelyn. Amelia was up first of course (our before 6am early riser) but I heard Evelyn's footsteps follow soon after with a very loud "AMELIA, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! She was giving Amelia birthday hugs all morning not being able to contain her excitement Evelyn style. Later, it was taking an unusually long time for them to get dressed so I went up to investigate. Evelyn was painstakingly trying to coordinate her, Amelia and Audree's outfits to match Amelia's new earrings. Then was the hunt for everyone's flip-flops. Evelyn was insisting Amelia wear flip-flops to school to show off her pedicured feet. Audree NEVER needs an excuse to get on her flip-flops (in fact, we only got her out of them at the beginning of December) and in true Evelyn fashion, Evie was wearing them with tights underneath. Tights came off (I can only let so much pass) and off they went to school with flip-flops in their bags. I was worried their teachers wouldn't let them take off their socks but fashion prevailed and my girls were allowed to wear flip-flops mid-January. Evelyn also carried Amelia's school bag in honour of the birthday girl and announced to the world of the special day. That girl sure loves her sister!

The festivities continued with a surprise visit from the St Catharines clan, perfectly timed for Uncle Adam and Addison to get the girls off the bus (surprise for the girls, not for me) and a wonderful dinner with Grandma and Aunt Erica. Birthday bedtime, 10pm...with Addison sadly commenting that Aunt Erin forgot to read a bedtime story. Sorry Addison, in this house anything after 8:30pm has a go-straight-to-bed-do-not-pass-go policy.

We have one happy 8-year-old with a 5-year-old shadow. I know it won't last forever but it sure is cute.