Saturday 28 January 2012

Another birthday down, one more to go!

Audree turned three today.

When I asked her what she wanted for dinner she didn't even have to think about it...cake. I told her that is great for dessert, how about dinner? This time she gave it a little more thought then said, "cake". I have no doubt she fully understood the question, who wouldn't want cake for dinner and dessert??!! With a little bit of help from her sisters pizza was declared to be the birthday dinner of choice. I seriously considered serving the cake first but just couldn't bring myself to do it. How would I ever get them back to the table? That would have only worked if we had cake late afternoon but as it was I wasn't ready and everybody wasn't here anyway. One of these days I'll be one of those spontaneous Moms who does crazy things like serve dessert first and create special memories kids write books about...until then, I'm shoving as much healthy food in them first before filling them up with sugar. You only need to meet Evelyn to know why.

The Birthday girl actually ended up sleeping most of the afternoon, finally waking up in time for the celebratory dinner. In a way that was a good thing. Lately she's been falling asleep at dinner so at least she had the stamina to party late.

So, my 10 favourite things about our Audree (in random order):

1. She loves being a big sister. No jealously, just love. I catch her breastfeeding her dolls (which is the cutest thing ever) although it took her a little while to distinguish belly button from nipple!! She loves hearing how much Lucienne loves her and will make sure there are plenty of toys for the baby to play with. Lets hope this lasts!!

2. Everything about her is sweet. I don't even know how to describe it...but she really is made with sugar and spice and everything nice.

3. She loves to twirl and will demonstrate it to everyone, everywhere. Strangers at the grocery store have seen her best twirly dresses at work.

4. She's such a great helper. She wants to vacuum, dust, do dishes, sweep, laundry, make beds...everything. She's surprisingly capable at these tasks too.

5. She has a great imagination. I love watching her create scenarios with her toys.

6. She calls me Mommy Bummy and thinks it's the funniest thing ever. She loves laughing at her sisters' jokes, even if she doesn't really know what they're about.

7. She loves her Dad and will randomly stop what she's doing and say, "Where's Daddy? I miss him so, so much." Usually with a little pout and big blinking doe eyes.

8. She's the first of the girls that will "read" a book with her own words. I love listening to her renditions of books we've read.

9. She loves talking about how big she is, usually by putting her hand on her head and saying, "I'm this big."

10. She never wants to be left behind. She'd rather go out with someone than stay home, doesn't matter where we're going or who's going. She's so easy to take out too, doesn't run off and loves helping pick things out.

That's our Audree...can't wait to see how she grows as a three-year-old!

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