Sunday 5 February 2012

Recharging with the Fam

So, yesterday, you few readers may recall, we got together to celebrate some more of the MANY early-year birthdays in the family.  (It's going to feel like family famine now that we don't have anything to CELEBRATE in the next couple of weeks after all the fun and partying we've done the last couple of months! Yikes!)  And we got talking about my STILL being in school and my reservations about graduation and registration examinations and blah blah blah....

And I just have to tell you, that the automatic and complete assumption/belief that DUH this is going to be EASY for me to accomplish was just...well... fabulous. hahaha

And you're right - I DO have a degree. I DO have a leg up on other people trying to become an RMT.  I AM going to be awesome.  Even though the registration exam scares the bageezies out of me...I can totally do this.

So, thanks for that.  I came home last night and said to Adam, you know what, they're RIGHT.

Anyway, I'm at school now between writing a test and class starting so... that's it for now.  Thanks for believing in me and making me feel awesome.


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