Saturday 25 February 2012

Picture Dumping!

I just found these great shots on my camera from earlier in the year ('cause, you know, February is SO late...) - I think maybe our Christmas photos got dumped onto the downstairs computer? So I'll get around to sharing them....eventually.... O:-)

First, Adam's birthday party extraordinaire:

Evie, hamming it up...what else is new? ;-)

He wears that crown like it's a normal thing....Oy.

Partying hardy!

Even our baby had a blast! :-D

I have a picture of Addison JUST like this! Just a WEE little familial resemblance!

nom nom nom

Why eat the crust when you can eat the gooey stuff it frames?

I LOVE this photo. LOVE it.

My....somewhat scary?...handsome man!

Is it just me, or do Rene and Adam look super related in this picture? maybe it's the shorn hair and the glasses... weird. Either way, I think we have good taste in gentlemen friends. :)

hahaha she looks so grown-up to me in this picture

Happy birthday to yooooooooouuu!!

Such a SPARKLING personality! (Sorry, i couldn't resist!)

One of my faves - three GORGEOUS gals!
 Then I have a couple from Amelia's birthday:
Having fun is what we do!

Buds, yo!

I know I'm biased, but how can you NOT just adore this face?!
And that's all I've got for today!  Enjoy! Let me know if you need/want me to email anything for printing 'cause some of those are FABULOUS, if I do say so myself.  And I do. ;)

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