Friday 10 February 2012

He Sleeps Like a Log

We had a bug come through our home this week. Poor Audree got it first and spent about 4 hours "puking up in a bowl" (her words if you ask her about her experience!!). The poor thing. The funny part, loosly classified as funny of course, was the first incident. We were getting ready for bed and heard Audree start to cry. This isn't highly irregular so we let her be figuring it was just a dream and she'd settle. Then I heard "the noise of puke". So I ran into their dark room, went to her bed but she wasn't there. I shout to Rene, "Where is Audree?" and he yells back that she's in Amelia's bed, top bunk, against the wall, as far away as possible from the ladder. I switch on the light, climb up the bed and she's throwing up on her pillow about half a foot away from Amelia's face...who is still sleeping. Since there's no easy way to get her down without making a huge, gross mess I just try to contain everything onto her pillow while holding Amelia down so she doesn't flail a limb into it...who is of course still sleeping. Once the worst is over I pass Audree over the railing to Rene and deal with the pillow. Luckily only a tiny, tiny bit got on the bed so we covered it up with a couple of towels so Amelia wouldn't roll over it as she's STILL SLEEPING!!! Surprisingly, Evelyn is also still sleeping on the bottom bunk. We clean the kid up, put her in her bed until five minutes later we go through almost the same thing. Back and forth, light on and off and the other two girls are still out. I wish I could sleep like that!! They definitely have their father's genes.

Rene took the first hour shift...I've never seen him jump out of bed so quickly after every whimper that came from the girls room. In fact, I didn't think he could hear anything from there (more on that later). After it became apparent that this was going to go on for awhile at close, regular intervals I took over. I'm not the one who has to operate heavy machinery all day and risk cutting off appendages or digits. It was a long night but we survived and all was well...until Thursday night. Evelyn's turn.

This time she started middle of the night. My Mom-radar picked up on it pretty quick and we both got to the bathroom at roughly the same time. 7-10 times later through the night, plus Lucienne waking and crying (she had a bad cold all week and was still congested), and an Andree coming into our bed (with her pillow, which you know means she's ready to stay all night) Rene doesn't even flutter a sleeping eyelid. I, on the other hand, have been dealing with sick, waking, crying children a few times every hour, all night, and barely slept at all. Around 5am Roxy gets a hold of a plastic bag and starts to play with it outside our room. Well, Rene is up in a heartbeat scooting her downstairs. Really? That wakes him up? Really? A bag? Thus my theory that he can't hear beyond our bedroom. But, when he's on the ball, boy can he move fast to the rescue.

1 comment:

  1. Ohmigoodness, this is both hilarious and horrifying at the same time! Ick! Not going to lie, I'm a little LESS inclined to have more children thinking of them all sharing puking-bugs amongst each other... EW! I hope everyone gets better FAST and you get a chance for some SLEEP!
