Wednesday 22 February 2012

Amelia's Hidden Talent

Amelia has now been to a couple of Activity Day Girl Activities. It's a large group of girls, around 15 or so, and so far she says that she's really enjoyed going. I have a feeling she's still in her "observant stage". Ever since she was a baby she would sit back and get a feel for what was going on around her before jumping into any activity. When I go to pick her up she's been on her own but hopefully that won't last for long.

The one downside is that there are only 3 girls in her CTR 7 class and both of them have older sisters. She's not particularly close to either of them so she's going in without any pre-existing friendships. On top of that, as of the Ward split from last Sunday, one of the girls is out of our Ward and since the other is semi-active she's the only consistant one in her class. I think I might push to have her class combined with the Valient 8. I wonder if there is anything said to having a junior and senior class combined. Since Amelia's bday is in January and the other girl in February I don't see a problem. And maybe since I'm in the presidency I can do a little more pushing!! Plus, she would then be in a Sunday class with girls who are in Activity Day Girls and hopefully form some stronger friendships there.

Anyway, today's activity was a talent night. Amelia had been set on building a castle out of brownies for her talent. Over the course of 2 weeks I finally persuaded her that Rice Crispy squares might be a bit easier (another one of Amelia's traits, stubbornness!!). I finally prevailed by giving her the analogy that building with brownies would be like building with mud and Rice Crispy squares like Lego. Plus, she could make the squares almost all on her own with minimal supervision (I think that's what finally sold her).

At one point of her building it (I was trying really, really hard to stand back and let her do it on her own, after all, it was her talent night, not mine!!) we both took a look at it and realized it looked much more like a I pulled a picture of the Toronto Temple up and voilĂ , she created a Rice Crispy square Temple look-a-like, complete with flowering bushes! Once I get around to downloading my pictures off the camera and figure out how to post pictures to this blog I'll erase this sentence and replace it with a picture of the creation.

My favourite part (other than eating it) was seeing how proud she was of her project and taking in the compliments from the night. Especially when everybody kept asking me if I helped and I could really say she built it on her own.

Turns out she does have a talent of building with food...who knows how far that will take her!

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