Thursday 23 February 2012

A Visit to the Dentist

The girls had their semi-annual trip to the dentist. I think I dread this more than they do because someone always seems to have a cavity...and today was no different. I had a little meltdown at the office (some may even say a mini-adult-tantrum). Seriously, I don't know what else we can be doing. We floss the girls' teeth every night, brush twice a day, have cleanings every 3 months, we don't eat a lot of sugar, juice only on weekends and special occasions, and almost no candy (usually just during the candy holidays and I do my best to make sure everything gets eaten fairly quickly, it's the least I can do). This is what I maybe a bit loudly recounted to the dentist. I didn't think I was that loud until someone at the front desk looked at me sympathetically on the way out and suggested I could try a fluoride mouthwash with them as well.

It's hard to know if it really needs to be filled or not. Dentistry is a tricky business. I would hope that ultimately they want everyone to have healthy teeth, but they make money on the unhealthy ones. I didn't even know that teeth can reverse cavities themselves until Erica was a dental hygienist. I always assumed they have to be drilled and filled. Also, fillings promote more cavities so it's kind of a lose-lose situation. Amelia has had over 10 cavities. She's at the point that she has them filled without freezing...brave girl!! I think this is Evelyn's first official one (the last one was probably more of a cracked tooth than cavity but was filled just in case).

I feel responsible for my dental hygienist's nieces' teeth. I just don't know what else I could really be doing.

I just really hope the girls all have Rene's teeth and mouth. He has perfectly aligned teeth with no braces or dental work at all (it was one of the requirements when looking for a husband...nice teeth and nice hair)

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