Saturday 21 January 2012

Amelia's Baptism

Amelia's journal entry on her baptism (and Amelia, I promise I won't be publishing all your journal entries through teenagehood but this was too cute): "I got baptized. I was happy. I felt special and older. I enjoyed being there. We had cupcakes after." If it were up to her, her entry would have been all about the cupcakes. I sat beside her and tried to ask thought-provoking questions and offer "feeling" words that she could use to describe the day - she kept coming back to what we ate.

So, my feeling words about the day...I had an overwhelming sense of wanting to make sure she knew how much she is loved and how proud we are of the beautiful young girl she is. This whole week I've been thinking about how old she is and marveling at how much she knows and understands, yet when she changed into the baptismal dress she seemed so little again! The last time she was in all white was her baby blessing dress. Back then she had an all-knowing look in her eyes...she still has the same look, but now has the attitude to go with it.

I've been teasing her that once she's baptized I'm no longer responsible for any bad decisions she makes, and she would remind me that I won't get credit for anything good she does either. (I think it was Grandma who pointed that out to her). But it seems like she's really trying hard to develop her good qualities (maybe she's just going through a phase but I hope it sticks!!). Recently she's been more patient with her sisters, helpful around the house (both when asked and not), quick to respond to requests and just seems to really be trying to do what's right. And then she'll let one rip and we know it's still Amelia.

The baptism itself seemed to fly by. We were a bit late getting ready so I didn't feel like I had the time to dwell on the full significance of the event. I arrived last (but had the dress so I knew they couldn't start without me), ran to the bathroom to get Amelia dressed and didn't have time to take any pictures (FHE Monday night will be a mock "Amelia's getting baptized" photo-shoot...I'm even thinking of going to the chapel to make it authentic). On the way to the baptismal program I realized we hadn't picked out opening and closing songs. I hadn't changed or nursed Lucienne and she was long overdue for a nap. Luckily she's such an easy going baby that she stuck it out to the end with minimal complaining. The Bishop was presiding and thank-goodness Rene had the sense of mind to ask him if he'd like to say some thoughts/welcome her into the ward (this was after the closing song but at least it was tucked in there).

Amelia had asked Grandma, Grandmaman and Uncle Adam to bear their testimonies (we decided to scrap official talks on baptism and the Holy Ghost since they can drag sometimes and we all knew why we were there) and that to me is what made up for my feeling of disorganization. Amelia was surrounded by those who love and adore her. They each spoke to her about what she meant to them and what the church meant to them. They testified about the ordinance she was about to perform. It was perfect and reminded me that everything else is icing on the cupcake.

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