Saturday 2 March 2013

Love, Love, Love

Could she BE any more perfect?
I feel a little guilty doing the first Darcy post but I can't help's the most exciting thing that has happened to our family in the last little while.

Becca, we sure do make perfect girls. I love loving other people's kids as much as my own! That's the awesomeness of family. And Darcy, she's just a doll. There were lots of screams of excitement Monday morning when we learned she had finally made her debut into the world - prompt and on-time, hopefully a character trait that will follow her through life. As much as I wanted to drop everything right then and drive up I figured it would be better to give her a few days to adjust to this world before exposing her to her plethora of loving and excited cousins. 

Instead we went today so we could spend the whole afternoon doting on least that was my plan. I figured the novelty would wear off in a few minutes for the girls then I could get her all to myself. Was I ever wrong. I think I held her for all of three minutes before passing her to Amelia for what I thought would be a quick snuggle. 2 1/2 hours later...neither have budged and the smile never left Amelia's face. She spent most of it lovingly gazing down at her and notifying everyone of all the cute faces she was making. Where was this girl when her sisters were born? She reluctantly passed her back to Becca when feeding time was coming around again. 
The baby monopolizer.
There's just something magical about newborns. And it's even more magical when it's not me who's walking around as a sleep deprived zombie. It's almost unfair that we as mothers don't have the advantage of thoroughly enjoying those first few weeks as we struggle with a body that just birthed a baby and nights that are days and days that are nights. I guess that what nieces are for!

Can’t wait for our next Darcy fix.
Another proud cousin.
She sure is adored.

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