Monday 25 February 2013

With a Twist and a Tumble

Today's it's official...Evelyn has registered for gymnastics. We've been counting down the days until registration was open. She would be DEVESTATED if the class was full so we decided that it would be best to drive over before school so she could hand over her (somewhat) hard-earned cash. We had a deal, if she could save for half the course we would pay the other half. Turns out she saved enough for two halves so if she chooses she can sign up again once this session runs through.

She was dressed with bed made, hair done and ready to go at about 6:30am this morning with her money clutched tightly in her hand and a smile that never left her face. She walked seriously up to the lady behind the registration desk and said, "I'd like to take gymnastics". She carefully counted out her money then practically floated out of the gym.

The bad doesn't start until March 28th. I thought she was going to cry when she realized how far away that was. It was hard enough to wait until the registration date itself and now there's another month until it officially begins. The poor girl. We dutifully marked the calendar with a big star and now (not-so) patiently wait until the big day comes.

After dropping them off at school and returning home I went to grab her envelop with her extra money in it (about $100) and couldn't find it in the car. I know she carried it out of the rec centre and thought that perhaps she had left it in her coat pocket. I debated about just leaving it but I know how upset she would be if something happened to it so I loaded the girls back in the van and drove back to the school. She was called out of her classroom...I love the look on her face when she has no idea if she should be smiling or worried!! She was sure it was in the van and promised it wasn't in her coat or bag (I thought there was a chance she wanted to show off her riches to her friends) so back into the car I went. Turns out it had fallen under the back seat. I have got to open up bank accounts for the girls so we don't have all this cash around the house just waiting to be played with and lost.

32 days and counting. This is going to be a long month.

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