Wednesday 13 February 2013

Get Moving, Part III (French Canadian Style)

I had to get the car oil changed today so we ended up wandering around Canadian Tire for a while. In the sports section we came across hockey sticks and I had an idea. Today, as soon as the girls got of the bus we were going to the chapel and playing floor hockey. I felt a little guilty that I would be taking them for their first time without Rene but hopefully there will be plenty of opportunities for him to teach them how to play. I just wanted them to run around the gym for a bit with a purpose. Amelia had a friend over so I picked up an extra stick. I mentioned the idea to a friend and she eagerly volunteered her boys to come too...which was good because without them I don't know that we would have got the game off the ground. Amelia's friend's Mom and little brother ended up joining us as well to bolster our numbers.

After a quick team pick (boys against girls) the game was on.

Evelyn stood in goal most of the time with two sticks spread out blocking the net (much to the chagrin of the boys..."that's not how you play hockey!"). Amelia stood in various spots and would hit the ball if it happened to come to her but didn't seem to have any desire to actively chase the ball. Audree played around with a stick and a ball for a while and was thankfully happily entertained to run the halls. And Lucienne was on my hip half the time and the other half wandering around the gym narrowly missing flying balls and sticks.

I don't think we have the makings for a hockey team.

The boys and Moms played a great game though! It was the first time I've ever picked up a stick and even managed to score a couple of goals (past my friend who was amazingly limber considering she had her 7-month-old strapped to her back). I had to laugh when the boys ran laps around the gym while we cleaned up, as if an hour of floor hockey wasn't enough to tire them out. I know there are always exceptions to the "rule" but girls really do play differently than boys. (and I know Becca is going to hate me saying that!!)

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