Wednesday 6 February 2013

Seven. I Can't Believe She's Seven!


Evelyn is 7. FINALLY!! It's been a hard couple of weeks waiting through her sisters' birthdays. But it's finally here. February 6th - the day we welcomed our Evelyn into our family. She barely waited for the midwife to come and Grandma missed it by minutes...and she's been on the go ever since.

My top seven favourite things about my seven-year-old:

1. Her smile. She smiles all the time (except when she's grumpy of course but even then, if I work hard enough, I can get her to crack). She even has the cutest I'm-trying-not-to-smile smile which she can only hold for a bit before her "real" smile breaks through. She smiles when she's playing soccer and running her heart out, she smiles as she's playing piano in a recital, she smiles when she catches me watching her dance. Smile, smile, smile...I love it! Especially now that it's a toothless smile, even cuter!

2. Anyone who's in the same room with Evelyn for more than five minutes can tell she has energy to spare. She bounces and runs and tumbles. She loves cartwheeling and will spontaneously do one while walking through the livingroom. When practicing the piano she's all over the chair but her fingers keep finding the right notes even though her bum can't stay still. She'll dance even when there's no music and when there is music, watch out.

3. Evelyn loves being with people. The greatest punishment she could be given is to be sent to her room to be on her own. She's such a social butterfly. She plays with everyone at school and is liked by all. I think she'll grow into one of those people that can find something in common with anyone and make you feel like you've known her forever.

4. In the dictionary under the word snuggle is a picture of Evelyn. I love that at 7 (just) she will still crawl onto a lap if given half a chance. Finding her snuggling in our bed is becoming rarer and rarer these days but every now and then I wake up to find myself unable to move to the right because of Audree and the left because of Evelyn. She's guaranteed to be snuggled up close to either me or Rene for Friday night movie nights...or anytime we're watching anything as a family. Considering she lived the first 6 months of her life in a sling (many people didn't even know what she looked like as a baby) it's not hard to believe she still loves to get in close.

5. Evelyn has always had a sense of style...all on her own. She's been picking out her own clothing since before she could walk. She loves doing hair and make-up and matching shoes with accessories. She loves her dresses and skirts and loves to model her outfits...often with a twirl and a pose.

6. She wears her heart on her sleeve. There's never any second guessing on what she's feeling. When she's happy, she's beaming. When she's sad, the world has ended. When she's proud she could conquer the world. She's very sensitive to other's feelings as well and is usually the first to come to Lucienne's rescue or comfort a sister (as long as she wasn't the cause of the tears). Watching a sad movie will evoke sobs (especially when sad things happen to animals) and she's always the first one up to dance and jump around to the closing credits.

7. I love that Evelyn is up for anything. She'll always try something new. She loves to go matter where "out" is. If it looks fun, Evelyn is for sure there right in the middle. She's the life of the party.

We sure do love our Evelyn. She's one of kind, and she's one of ours.

Glamming it up for her Zumba birthday party.

Blowing out her candles...big breath!

Best buds...though not sure what's up with Audree's smile here.

Final two...

Showing off the new boots.

1 comment:

  1. Love this child. She just keeps getting better and better with each birthday!!...and I particularly like the boots.
