Sunday 3 February 2013

One by One

Amelia has been eight for a whole year. At church there is a "Faith in God" program where 8 to 11 year old girls set and accomplish goals for themselves. It works out that to complete the program they need to do about 6 a year. As her 9th birthday approached I thought it was about time to crack open that sucker and see what she's accomplished. I don't think that's really the way it's suppose to work but sometimes we just have to do what we can. She had done a couple through Activity Day Girls and her book club counted as organizing an activity for children and their parents (thank goodness we invited the mothers along!). That put her up to 3 goals...3 to catch up on for last year and then we could get working on this one.

I thought I should probably be a bit more pro-active and attempt to be an "intentional" mother (been reading up a bit on that lately). So, last Sunday I sat down for an interview with her. I brought out some M&Ms to make it more appealing and asked her to bring down her journal and a pen. It's hard to get private time in this house though. Evelyn and Audree hovered for the most part wondering what was going on then asking when it was going to be their turn. I hadn't intended on doing everyone but I quickly saw that was not going to be an option. Amelia and I set out some goals she could accomplish for a Family Home Evening on genealogy, research an art museum she'd like to visit and make a plan to get there, work on memorizing an Article of Faith. We also talked about how things were going at school with friends, how she was enjoying swimming and skating, what other interests she would like to pursue (karate...thanks to her cousin Addison! (and I know she's not in karate per-say but close enough)) and any other goings-on that she felt needed some attention. 

As we wrapped up I saw Evelyn waiting eagerly at the door, pen and notebook in hand. I dismissed Amelia and Evelyn seriously approached the table. She sat down and said, "Mom, don't forget my M&Ms". We talked about similar things. She committed to do a Family Home Evening as well, wanted to work on memorization of an Article of Faith, spoke about saving money for gymnastics and planned some playdates. I wrote everything down for her to copy into her notebook. As we finished up there was Audree, waiting patiently at the door, pen and notebook in hand. 

With four children it's hard to find one on one time with each of them. Lucienne is in the "my mommy" stage where the girls lay a finger on me and she runs over to stake claim. But they crave that time...and need it...and deserve it. Daddy-Daughter dates are coveted and a trip to Home Depot is precious (although I'm often sending them along with strict instructions to not let him purchase anything that looks like a tool). I find that multitasking is a necessity and I'm often helping Evelyn on piano while overseeing Amelia do homework as I'm cooking dinner with Lucienne running around naked and Audree up on a chair "helping" me. But I usually manage to devote a few minutes a day with each of them. Sitting down at the piano with Evelyn in the morning while others are getting ready for school. Reading a chapter out of a book with Amelia after the younger ones are tucked into bed. Playing a game with Audree while Lucienne sleeps. And Lucienne, well she still breastfeeds 100 times a day but for some of them I put the book or iPod down and just enjoy her.  However, I need to remind myself to carve out this time because it's so easily missed. 

I sure do love these girls. 

If I take time to figure out how to get the red-eye out I'll never post this!

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