Monday 4 February 2013

Know You Are Loved

Our "I Love You" wall.
Evelyn planned Family Home Evening for tonight. Her topic was "Know You Are Loved". I thought it was a very profound and deep topic for an almost-7-year-old to come up with...until I realized she read it off our "Family Rules" poster over our mantle. It was a perfect topic for February though.

She spent a good hour cutting out paper hearts for the activity portion, which was going to be writing down things we loved about each other and taping them to our rock wall. She also really wanted to incorporate our dry erase board into her lesson because it's just so much fun to write on so she had everyone name off people that loved them and she wrote them down. We had to raise our hands and wait for her to pick us...which included her spinning in a circle for 30 seconds to make sure we had random turns. Lets just say it took a good 1/2 hour to get a dozen names written down. This included Audree crying because she NEVER got picked and then when she did, repeating the last 4 people that had just been said. It also included Evelyn randomly stopping at the lamp, or t.v., or door frame and having to spin again. Lucienne was fussy and didn't want to do anything other than nurse and Paris kept trying to jump up on Evelyn spinning.

Lucienne got tired in the middle of it (she signs this by blowing kisses to everyone which is what we do every time she goes to bed...only this time was the first time she asked to go to bed by blowing them without prompting). About 20 minutes after I go up with Luci Evelyn comes running up the stairs in tears. And in tears I mean sobbing. I quickly put Lucienne down in her crib (she's not quite asleep but I hope it's enough) to go find out what went wrong. Turns out they went into the activity portion and Amelia was writing on the wrong side of the hearts and Audree was just scribbling on them.

Sound like an idealistic FHE on family love? We managed to get the hearts done and find out we really do love each other! The chaos is only temporary and love prevails.

Rene makes crepes with strawberries and ice cream and we call it a night.

1 comment:

  1. I've read this a few time, and each time I chuckle...yes, love does prevail!
