Friday 15 February 2013

Pins and needles

Last weekend's blizzard did a number on my back...I'd had a few twinges of pain from a previous snow shovelling experience a couple of weeks prior, but thought I was "just fine" and the snow this time was light enough to not require any heavy lifting.  By 8:00 am Friday morning we had a good 6 inches of snow so after taking Murphy for his morning stroll, I set to clearing the front walks next door and my walkways and driveway, realizing I'd still need to do it again once the storm had dropped its total dump.  Fifteen minutes after getting comfy on the couch (snow day for me too!), the pins and needles started to twinge in my lower back.  By lunchtime I could barely move ~ and the snow kept falling ~ and I was down to 2 back pain pills.  By 6:00 pm I was totally snowed in and no more pills, and virtually immobile.  I knew there was no way I could lift my legs off the floor to get into bed so I pulled back the covers, crawled carefully on to the bed and flopped on my side.  It took me a good 10 minutes more to get the courage to reach for the covers!  Poor Murphy couldn't figure out what was going on ~ why didn't I want to pet him and why didn't I want to go for another walk?  I'm sure I could see compassion in his eyes knowing something was wrong....

By 8:00 the next morning, I said a prayer that I wouldn't get stuck in the snow and off I went toWalmart to buy some more medication.  After work Erica came with dinner, finished shoveling the walk and driveway, and offered to take Murphy home with her so I wouldn't feel guilty about not walking him.  Not that she would either, but with her fenced-in back yard, he could frolic and pee as much as he desired. Days turned into nights and days, and ever so slowly my back seemed to be getting better, but I knew this was going to take more than popping pills.  So I decided to try acupuncture ~ real pins & needles.  I won't go into more detail than to say I am a new woman.  I've come to realize I've had residue aches and pains for quite awhile now and also that I don't need to live with them anymore!  I think I slept so soundly last night that I ached from not moving for 8 hours!  I was somewhat stiff and achy when I woke up, but with a little warmth from the heat pad and a couple of good stretches, Murphy and I were off for our morning walk, and I'm sure if the roads and sidewalks hadn't been covered in black ice, we may have done some dance moves along the way! 

I think this will be The Year of Wellness for me.  I've got my soon-to-be registerd Massage Therapist Daughter-in-law, and my friendly neighbourhood yoga instructor, and my new-found acupuncturist buddy...I think I'm good-to-go with whatever life throws at me....except, I've definitely retired from shoveling snow. 

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