Sunday 17 February 2013

Knit One, Purl One

In true second-child form, Evelyn wanted to learn how to knit...because Amelia learned. I wasn't sure that a 6-year-old had the necessary coordination of fingers so I kept putting it off. However, in Christmas shopping we found a Learn How to Knit kit that had Evelyn written all over it. I then proceeded to forgot to give it to her for Christmas, then I forgot to give it to her for her birthday. I came across it a couple days ago and decided to just give it to her. In a way I think it was a good thing. She was sooooo excited to be getting a random gift for a non-celebratory occasion that she declared it was the BEST present ever (a learn-to-knit book...really?) She painstakingly went through the whole book and picked out her first project (the book contains instructions for various animals and their accessories). I squashed her grand plans by suggesting we work on knitting a square first so she could get that hang of it.

So, we started out with casting on. Once she got the hand of that she declared that she would like to make something by just casting on because it was so much fun. Again I squashed her grand plans by saying there's nothing you can make with only cast-on stitches becasue once you take them off the needle it will just unravel. Next step, learn how to knit. We settled on making a wrist sweat band for when she's dancing (with the matching pair and headband to follow). She picked it up surprisingly quickly, but not without some ups and downs. This is something of her roller coaster emotions with each stitch:
"I love knitting, I think I'll make a sweater next!"
"I can't do this, it's too hard." followed by
 throwing the project across the table.
"Look at how fast I'm going, I'll have this
finished by the end of the night!"
""AHHHHHHHHHHHH...I'll never learn
how to knit, I can't see what I'm doing."
"Do you think I'm as good as Grandmama yet?"
And next row...
It's a slow process but she's coming along.

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