Saturday 16 February 2013

Friend or Foe?

It's a miracle...the dog and cat are getting along. There are no words that can adequately express how relieved I am.

Ginger finally just called Paris' bluff this weekend. It helps that she's in heat (for the third time I think...I've lost track now) and she's much more bold and open to her rear being sniffed. Up to this point she was an upstairs-under-the-bed kind of cat. She only came downstairs if we brought her down and closed the door, then she would spend most of the time behind or on top of the couch, well out of reach of the dog. Every time Paris caught a whiff of her she'd be on  the prowl, finished off with a pounce or full out chase until Ginger could find shelter.
However, something shifted. The cat finally stood her ground and called the dog out. Turns out Paris is all talk...or bark (but she doesn't bark) I've lost track of the saying I'm trying to play with. Anyway, if you're in the mood for a swift nose in the bum, Paris is your dog. It will be interesting to see how the relationship plays out when Ginger isn't in "the mood" anymore.
There are times I'll look over at them playing and the cat's head will be in Paris' mouth. Or the cat will walk in the room drenched in doggie drool (very gross). I know I still need to keep an eye on them. Paris is still a puppy and has trouble with boundaries  She has trouble with boundaries with people, other dogs, squirrels and now cats. She really just wants to play but doesn't seem to have the dog sense of when the other animal is not amused. Poor Georgia is pushed relentlessly to play until she seeks refuge on Erica's lap. She doesn't have a sense of her size and can bring down her paw pretty hard. We all have been at the receiving end of her pawing and I could see Ginger being seriously hurt.

However, Ginger's not the innocent bystander in all this. There are times Paris is minding her own business only to have a swat in the butt or nose or a bite to the tail. Sometimes it's just Ginger walking by but sometimes Ginger seems to want to engage Paris in play. I have a hard time seeing the difference between play and fighting. I know Ginger's claws are out for some of the swats and Paris has backed down quickly when one of them lands on her face. There are times Ginger will yowl but then not run away. If I knew Paris would be gentle I wouldn't worry as much but when she's excited about something she can throw her weight around...just ask Lucienne who has been knocked down more time I can count by a dog bounding by.

The best of all this is that I can finally get the kitty litter out of the toyroom and into the basement. It was up there out of necessity but always kind of grossed me out. Now that Ginger is roaming the whole house I can finally start the process of moving it down.

1 comment:

  1. The last photo looks like a fight to the finish with no winner!...In the end, it is all about patience and waiting for them to figure it all out.
