Wednesday 30 January 2013

Say Awwwww...

Today the girls all had their yearly checkups. I'm pretty sure I missed last year. It was one of those things that occurred to me in July when I should have had Lucienne in for hers (which I didn't) and realized I hadn't taken the other girls either. I have to be fair.

So we took over the Doctor's office for a good hour. The nurse asked if I could undress Lucienne to get an accurate weight. Undressing her is never a problem... getting clothes back on is another issue. I'm just hoping she doesn't think it's now okay to take off her clothes in public places. None of the other girls have ever done that but if one of them is going to it would be Luci. It really is cute watching her watch her sisters though. She really wanted to get measured and weighed on the "big girl" scale like the girls and the nurse kindly obliged.

Then comes the wait for the doctor. There's nothing like cooping up four children in an office full of things they shouldn't of them being naked. They all got to play with a glove. Take turns standing on the scale. Getting up on the table. Sitting on the swivel chair. Sitting on the stool. Playing with the lamp. And that was only the first two minutes. All this while trying to prevent Lucienne from going through the file drawers and typing on the computer (still naked of course).

Have I mentioned Lucienne has mastered the little-girl-piercing-scream? The kind that makes your ears ring for a minute after? Well, that scream sounds GREAT in a small room. Especially when it's repeated over and over and over again because she wants to climb everything and touch everything and stay naked. The doctor (once she came in and went through some examination questions) mentioned we might want to encourage her to use words. Will keep that in mind.

Audree stood on one leg while spelling her name in the air...she's doing great!

Evelyn is "backed-up" a bit and was encouraged to drink more water. The doctor also asked her to show me her poops so I can get a sense of whether we need to be concerned about constipation.  I told her I'd give her an empty container in her lunch just in case she went at school and would need to bring it home for me to see. She looked at me then at the doctor with the best expression! I haven't seen any of Evelyn's yet but Audree has shown me all of hers!

Amelia needed some blood work done. Nothing serious, just ruling out a few minor concerns from being connected. I didn't tell her until we were en-route to the lab. When she was four she had some blood drawn and it was less than a pleasant experience - I knew this would be the same. After freaking out in the car for about 5 minutes we were good to go in. She did amazing! They were so good there. She barely even flinched and on the way back out to the car said, "That wasn't as bad as I remembered." I told her to erase her four-year-old memory and replace it with this one.

So, in the end we are a happy, healthy family.

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