Sunday 13 January 2013

Evelyn's Talk

Evelyn gave a talk today at church. She's actually been assigned the last 2 weeks but the first we forgot and the second she stayed home because Lucienne was sick (and, cough-cough, so was she). Luckily we remembered an hour before church this morning that she needed to write something.

Evelyn is at the stage that whatever question you ask her about something churchy she asks back "Jesus?". Or gives some funny, round about answer that kind of answers the question but not so much.

All the girls are really into writing things on the computer right now so of course, we had to write her talk on the computer. So, here's her talk, just as she wanted it. The rainbow coloured text needs no explanation if you know Evelyn at all.

The theme this month is: I Am a child of God, and He Has a Plan for Me.
Before we were born we lived with Jesus while we waited for our turn on earth. I think I was feeling nervous and excited, kind of like when I had to wait for my turn to play the piano in a recital.
We are all born into a family to show us love and give hugs and kisses. We have parents to protect us and teach us. We can read the scriptures to learn about the commandments and what we need to do to live with Jesus again.
We are free to choose if we’re bad or good. I want to be good on earth so I can live with Jesus and be happy. I also want my family to be there. I can be a good example to my sisters and my Mom and Dad to help them choose the right.
I know that Jesus is real. I believe the commandments that he tells me will help me learn how to be good. I’m glad I came to earth.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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