Thursday 24 January 2013

Random Day-to-Day Stuff

Starting to feel a little housebound here. It's been soooooo cold that I haven't ventured out anywhere. Add to  that little fact that I don't have a car this week and you have a recipe for disaster. We did have to walk to swimming lessons today (Rene picks us up once he's home so it's only one way) and I failed to do a wardrobe check. Halfway there Audree starts crying that her hands hurt...I look at them and she's wearing thin little dollar store gloves. It's -20C!!!! Poor thing. She wouldn't take my mitts so I held one hand and Amelia held the other to try and warm them up. I don't think we'll be enrolling again until the spring. Which is a shame because all the girls are finally enjoying it and I don't have to drag them there kicking and screaming (literally some days!).

Paris hasn't had any walks so she's going a little nutso, more so than her usual rambunctious self. She's had a couple of treadmill runs but it's not really the same. She's starting to chew toys again (she was doing really well there for awhile) and the cat is getting stalked on a regular basis. Oh, and the cat is in heat AGAIN. She was just in heat a couple weeks ago. She's walking around the house with her bum in the air caterwauling all day and night. No wonder Paris is taking and extra interest in this crazy cat right now.

Lucienne has been a bit under the weather (runny nose and cough we just can't seem to get rid of) and has been giving me a hard time with naps. She can go to sleep at night no problem - I'm even putting her into her crib awake and she's fine. But naps...she can be fast asleep on me and scream the second I lower her into the crib. I've also tried putting her in awake, following the same routine as nighttime and I still get the same result. There is no way this kid is giving up her naps. Especially since for the last month or so she's getting a head-start on her to-do list for the day by getting up at 5am. On the other hand, Audree has been taking naps almost every day this week and then not going to sleep at night until way-late. She usually comes downstairs asking when we're going to bed and saying "I think I need to try to go to sleep in your bed now, mine's not working." She's still in our bed at some point in the night probably about 90% of nights now. She's warm though so I don't mind at all.

Every morning Audree asks how many more days to her birthday while Evelyn gives a moan because she's the LAST, and life's NOT FAIR and why doesn't anybody LOVE her? Thank goodness her birthday is only a mere two weeks after Amelia's. I hope Lucienne doesn't have this same reaction when she has to wait 6 months after our birthday marathon.

Amelia is having trouble adjusting to iPod boundaries. It was brought to swimming lessons, and chiropractor (stayed in the car for that one) and she waited (naked I might add) in the bathroom for 30 minutes not having a bath but playing a game. In her defense she had apparently called for me to help with the shower curtains and I didn't hear. Rene is too. They were up together until 9pm one night playing "just one more game". We got her to bed and Rene slyly tried to get back on only to find Amelia had locked it with a passcode. Smart girl.

And that's a day in the life of the Lalondes.

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