Wednesday 23 January 2013

New Glasses

Evelyn FINALLY (her word) got new glasses. I was thinking her old pair was about 2 years old. Turns out they were only 1 1/2 years...but by that point I'd already promised she could have some and there was no way to wiggle out of that one without serious consequences. What's 6 months anyway?

It all started with a check-up visit to the optometrist. I said if he said she needed a new pair then she could certainly get one. I had dropped Lucienne and Audree off at a good friend's place because the optometrist is probably the WORST place to bring young kids. Think dark room for about an hour exam, no toys and super expensive equipment. I've done it once, never again.

As usual they were running way behind. We ended up getting a student about 3 months shy of graduation. I'm not sure if it was because that was the plan all along or if our doctor saw my exaggerated eye roll and heard my heaving sigh when he came out to get a different patient (we had already been waiting about an 1/2 hour). I'm hoping he either didn't see it or thought I was exasperated at something in the magazine I was reading. Either way, we ended up with this student who was very good with Evelyn. But she's a pretty eager patient when it comes to eye exams.

Turns out her prescription didn't, no need for new glasses. He did make an offhand comment about how scratched her lenses were though and her eyes lit up with a huge smile and she looked at him and asked, "Does that mean I need new glasses?" with a ever hopeful glance in my direction. I don't think I'm much of a pushover parent. Rene and I definitely don't get the girls anything they want but there was no way I could say no to her right then.

We had already spent our waiting time trying on over-priced glasses at the office and she had her heart set on ones with a clip-on shade. I didn't like them at all (she wasn't going for overall look, she was sold on the sunglasses part).

We did a quick jaunt into Walmart once Amelia came home from school and settled on a purple pair. Poor thing didn't realize that they aren't ready to take home, that it was going to take a couple weeks. She went from over-the-moon excited to devastated in about 3 seconds. However, last night we got a phone call they were ready (luckily only 4 business days compared to the 10 they originally told us). I think she would have walked to Walmart in this -25C weather we're having right now to get them but I told her she'd have to wait until Daddy came home the following day.

I don't even think he got a hello from her today. He pulled in and she was pulling on her boots saying, "Come on Mom, lets go get my glasses." So off we went with Rene left to finish dinner.

She got home from school today and thankfully friends of hers had noticed the new look (including some boys which I think made her blush although she could have just had rosy cheeks from the frosty weather).

Lets hope now that she's a bit older these ones don't take as much abuse as the others and we can get more than a year out of them. So far so good.

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