Saturday 26 January 2013

Girl's Night In

Rene is winter camping this weekend...brrrrrrrrr. I think this is his 5th year. He doesn't like to be cold and he doesn't really like these winter camps. Neither do any of the other leaders though so he sucks it up and goes. I asked him why they even do these camps if no one REALLY likes going and he said it was so the boys (and leaders) learn how to be prepared to survive in the cold. I had never thought of that...I thought it was all for fun. I'm so glad that if we ever need to leave our home in the middle of winter we have the ultimate winter camper as the head of our family. Because apparently under my watch the girls are wearing thin little cheap gloves in subzero weather. He did bring 3 sleeping bags this time so I hope he's warm enough to sleep.

On the flip side that meant it's a girl's night tonight!!!! I told the girls we could all camp out in the livingroom if they wanted...just like dad...except we're inside, where it's warm, with a t.v., and a fire, and caramel popcorn, and a bathroom. But they brought up their sleeping bags and set up camp on the floor. Movie of choice was BIG. I remember really liking that movie but it's funny the things you realize went over your head and hope it will go over their heads too. The language isn't too great and there's a bra scene which luckily Erica (with the amazing memory) knew exactly when it was going to come up but I couldn't get the remote to work so instead I jumped up and over all the girls with a scream to try to block the screen. Used to work on our little 27"...harder to do with a 50". At some point near the end Evelyn turns to me and says, "Well now I know all the swear words." I don't mind if they know them, as long as they don't use them.

I personally didn't feel like sleeping in the livingroom so I gave the girls the choice of sleeping on the hard, uncomfortable floor or everyone climbing into our soft and comfy bed. Thankfully they picked our bed so in we all climbed. I think Amelia probably had half the bed to herself with the other two snuggle-bugs flanking my sides. What are we going to do when Lucienne is old enough to join? We might have to do the floor so we all fit.

And so we slept, to the lovely sounds of Ginger caterwauling and Evelyn complaining she had no room and Audree giggling and Amelia tooting (her night ones are the best - which is why she was assigned an edge).

Sleep warm Rene.

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