Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy 2013.

Saw a cute thing on Facebook...when someone references "10 years ago" do you think of the 90s or 2003? I can't believe we're in 2013!

How did the Lalonde's party up the New Year? Well, I was sick on the weekend so the friends we were suppose to have over bailed. Rightfully so. They are going on vacation on Wednesday and didn't want to be violently ill at the hotel. We watched a movie with the girls and let them stay up until 9 (I know, not very exciting for them but who really wants to deal with cranky kids on the first day of a new year?). I came out from putting Lucienne to bed to find Rene and Amelia fast asleep in our bed. So, I grabbed some chips and watched tv. At 10pm the town of Orangeville put on a fireworks display. We can see them from our hall window so I tried waking up the girls to no avail. Thankfully Rene woke up so we watched some fireworks together. We were going to watch tv but the frustration of not being able to find our tv remote for the past 2 weeks had built up to the point of no return and we spent a good 1/2 hour looking in every crevasse of our couch. Love the couch but it's the lost city of Atlantis when it comes to losing things. It has so many unreachable nooks and crannies and impossible angles of hardware and cushions. Nothing comes apart yet each seat crack opens to the floor and only the reclining ones can be searched from the front.

I figured Lucienne had thrown it into the garbage (her latest fascination). We had searched every room. I had looked under every bed and in all drawers (only months ago I found a missing USB stick at the bottom of my drawer thanks to Miss Luci). The toyroom had been pulled apart and put back together. It was nowhere to be found.

The last place it was seen was on the couch so we were going to give it one last chance before buying a new one. 10 minutes before midnight Rene came out victorious  There's a drawer in one of the sections and it had fallen at just the right angle to be invisible unless the drawer was removed (which is what Rene finally did). I think we celebrated the remote more than the new year. But, we did the mandatory count down, Rene came out from the bathroom with 5 seconds to spare, we kissed and called it a night.

I've never really gotten into the spirit of New Year's. I think it was most fun as a child when Mom finally let us stay up to midnight. Games and movies and fun with the fam. Once midnight is accessible any night of the year the lateness of it looses its magic. And once kids come along, sleep becomes a precious commodity.

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