Monday 7 January 2013

Churchy News

Some new callings for us. Back in November I was released as a counselor in Primary and called as one in Relief Society. It's bitter-sweet. I've been in this Primary since we moved here 8 years ago (and in our previous ward's for years before that) so it was time for a change, but I love the girls I get to work with there and I know what's going on. Plus I love that all the kids know me and run up to me with things they want to tell me. I get to play games and sing songs for 2 hours of church...I don't think they play many games in Relief Society.

It's been an interesting transition. The current president works very independently  I'm over education and feel like I can really do what I want with it. My goals are to have daily meetings for the sisters in Young Women's and Primary who don't get to come to any lessons (having been in that position for many years) and I'd really like to create a sense of unity amoung the sisters. It's interesting that I'm noticing and thinking about sisters in the ward I'd never even given a second glance to. My previous world was Primary so if you didn't have a child in there I probably didn't speak to you!  Now, I'm going out of my way to speak to sisters I don't know and invite them to come to Relief Society. I'm conscious about making sure everyone feels noticed and loved and feel concerned when I see some of them leave after sacrament. Certainly a learning curve, but a good one.

Rene has a new calling...or assignment too - we're not too sure which it is. He's the newest, and only, cub assistant. The program has been struggling for dedicated people. In the past, assistants have been less than dependable and there was even talk about cancelling the whole thing, which would be a shame considering there are quite a few non-member boys who come out.

He's pretty excited about it. He's never served with cubs before and it's right up his alley. However, it will mean another night out. He is still a counselor in Young Men's so he's out Tuesdays at the activities and now he'll be out Wednesday night with cubs. Amelia's at Activity Day Girls twice a month on Wednesday so it's not too bad. I just wonder if they couldn't have called someone who doesn't already have a calling requiring a night out during the week.

Audree started into Sunbeams at the beginning of January. She was so ready to get out of Nursery. So far she's loving being with all her friends. The girls she considers her friends are all a year older than her so left nursery last year. She loves seeing them again. I'm kind of sad I missed the transition  If only I could have been in primary just a little longer to watch her being a big girl.

Lucienne is technically old enough for Nursery but she's the only one so it's not starting up until a couple more kids meet the age requirement. I felt that it wasn't right to ask someone to watch only my kid while I went to class. I pulled some nursery toys and put them in the Relief Society room and so far she's content at playing while the lesson is being taught. For Sunday School she just runs around the chapel. Rene never went because he said she was too distracting but I'm not going to sit in the hall and miss my class! I figure as long as she's not crying or being too loud it's fine. I think the next nursery child comes of age in March so only a few more months of this.

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