Monday 14 October 2013

First Annual Thanksgiving Apple Picking Trip

We had to start the day with chopping wood. The novelty has worn off for our helpers. Hmmmm, that insinuates they were ever excited.  Rephrase: the task continues to be daunting for our helpers. But they are troopers! As an incentive to getting the job done we promised them an afternoon of apple picking.

Still monkey see, monkey do
Initially I had visions of visiting one of those farms that makes the apple picking a small portion of fun as kids can participate in wagon rides, petting zoos, hay jumps, corn get the picture. As the day wore on though the hours quickly passed and after wood chopping, lunch, and a quick jaunt to help a friend with roofing we ended up leaving Orangeville around 4:15pm. We hastily arrived at a farm 15 minutes before they closed, jumped on the last tractor ride out to the orchard, speedily picked a bag of apples and ran to catch the last tractor ride back to the farm.

I felt bad. The girls had really worked hard all morning with the prize of apple picking, which ended up being a 30 minute frenzy of apples and tractors. There was a farm dog (petting zoo?) and we had to remember where we parked (maze?) and they did jump over a chain fence (hay jump?) so I suppose we did cover all our bases.

The neat thing about kids: they know how to have fun. They were thrilled to be allowed to climb a ladder to reach the high branches (where Rene insisted all the best apples grew).

The look of concentration...
The scrutiny that every apple went through,
only the best for our family.
Lucienne's squeals of delight with the tractor ride would make anyone think we were on the ride of her life.

Heading back.

I had to question why there were people there without kids. Because pick-your-own-apples is really just a clever way to disguise make-your-own-work and without the antics of children it's really not that much fun.

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