Thursday 10 October 2013

Stop, Drop, Roll

**sorry for the low quality of was dark out and the camera flash didn't seem to want to cooperate all the time.

The local fire department had an open house so we thought we'd stop by.

They had a fire house going that they let the kids spray. I tried to convince them to hit families going back to their cars (lets put a bit of a challenge to it) but the firefighter didn't seem to think it was a good idea. Audree wanted nothing to do with it at first but later in the night decided to try (Rene had the camera though and I couldn't find him so it will only be documented in our memory).

They had all the trucks open so the kids and Dads could climb inside. One kid even managed to get the horn on one of them working. Those firemen really can move fast, I got the impression that it wasn't suppose to be operational.

They had all the gear out and kids could suit up and see how far they could walk. They even had them holding oxygen tanks and axes...not sure how safe that was but the kids' sure thought it was great (once again, Rene and camera were MIA).

They had a spin-the-wheel-answer-the-question-and-win-a-prize table. Apparently I need to brush up on my fire safety knowledge, most of the answers I fed the girls were embarrassingly wrong (once again, no Rene and thus no camera).

There was someone dressed up as a dalmatian dog that Lucienne thought was hilarious, until he took a step towards us. She would then yell "No, scary, scary" until he would take one step back which she would burst out laughing and think he was great. We played that game for a few minutes until it just seemed cruel. Audree was quite enamored with him and gave him lots of hugs and high fives (and of course, no Rene and camera).

For most of the night I couldn't find Rene (which really made me wish I had the camera).  Turns out he made a new volunteer fight-fighter friend who was talking up the profession. He now has the fire-fighting bug in his head. Volunteers need to be on-call from 6pm to 6am but don't necessarily get called every night. I wonder if he realizes there may be heights involved.

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