Thursday 19 July 2012

How Much is Too Much?

We have too much stuff. I can't remember if I've blogged about this before but every now and then I just get tired of all our stuff. It might have more to do with all the cleaning of stuff then the stuff itself. But regardless, today is a too much stuff day.

A few months back I packed up all our Zhu-Zhu pet stuff. I was actually getting tired of prying them out of Paris' mouth. They were too much like real little least now we know that having a pet hamster, rat, squirrel, bunny or anything small that moves is out of the question. Anyway, I don't think the girls have even noticed. At least they haven't asked about them and it's been a few months. I also packed up all the Little People paraphanalia, lots of games and puzzles, stuffed animals and other miscellanseous toys and they haven't seemed to miss any of it.

I feel like giving them each a bin and saying "fill it up with the stuff you want to keep and we'll get rid of the rest. If it doesn't fit in the bin you'll have to make some choices". I'll never actually do that because I would have a mutiny on my hands but a mother can dream.

So today I went on a silent rampage through the house and tried to par down. Silent because if I drew attention to what I was doing, again, a mutiny would occur.  I started in their room with their clothes and managed to clear out two basketfulls of things that were either too small or that they just didn't wear. Next stop was the toyroom where I managed to clear out 2 garbage bags full of stuff. I'll put them away for a few months and if nothing gets asked for it'll go. I won't pitch it right now, I do have a heart (even if they'll say otherwise sometimes).

I feel a little better, a little lighter. Although while I was busy doing this a tornado ran through the main floor. I wonder if I'll ever win.

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