Wednesday 11 July 2012

Soccer Stars

Soccer started a couple weeks ago. There's a great league a little north of Orangeville that is way less competitive than in-town. All ages are on one night in one giant field...there are probably 20 games running at the same time from ages 4 to 16. They practice for the first half hour then have an hour game. The girls played a couple years ago but spent most of the time picking flowers and holding hands (yes, those were my children) so we opted out last year. This year some of their friends were playing so we're giving it another try. So far, much better.

The Easter Bunny brought them shin-guards which seems to have given them a little more confidence in going after the ball.

Evelyn is the cutest. She has the biggest grin the whole time she's on the field and gets right into the scrummage (6 kids on the field for each team means 24 feet kicking at the ball). Amelia stands out a bit and waits for the ball the emerge. Turns out, she plays sports as a lefty. She also spends a little too much time waiting for the ball to come to her. One game we kept yelling at her to go get the ball. Apparently we yelled her name too much and she came off for break in tears. I felt terrible but should have known. Every time she heard her name she probably felt like EVERYBODY was watching just her, and she's not a spotlight kind of gal. We now don't say her name at all and she's having a much better time.

Tonight, Rene opted to stay home and out of all nights both girls got shots on goal (neither went in but it was a pretty big accomplishment for them just to get there). I imagine he won't miss another game!!

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