Monday 15 October 2012

Amelia's Book Club

Amelia has been begging to start a book club ever since I started mine (about one year this month I think). I've been dragging my feet because I just didn't feel like planning evenings with 6 or so of her friends over. Once a year is enough for their birthdays, and even that can get a bit much.

But, I've left the discussion open with trying to decide what the best format would be that would make us both happy. We talked about picking a series of books that everyone could just read one and share. We talked about everyone bringing their favourite book.

Then the other week I was browsing other blogs and found one that had a mother-daughter book club. I approached her with the idea of having all her friends come with their mothers to discuss a book. If the mothers are involved I would be willing to request multiple copies of the same book from the library to pass around the group. I wasn't sure if she'd be up to all us uncool kids crashing her party but she was excited about it. It also meant the book had to be something that mothers would enjoy, no Geronimo Stilton or Rainbow Magic Fairy Books. It will be a great opportunity to expose her to some childhood classics.

So, our first book is going to be Pippi Longstocking. I never read it as a child but heard it's a great book.

I talked to a few Moms about the idea and so far they've all loved it. When bringing it up with a good friend she thought her son would love the opportunity to join. I told her I'd have to check with Amelia to see if boys would be allowed and she was totally open to the idea. We've been trying to think of another boy who would want to come but have come up with nothing yet. We'll just have to be careful to not get too girly in our book selections.

Next was a group name. On our way to Thanksgiving Dinner #2 at Grandma's we came up with lots of ideas in the car. The winner was one Amelia came up with: Book Divas and Dudes. She was hard at work making invitations yesterday to hand out.

I really hope this takes off. I love reading. And I've loved watch Amelia learning to love reading. It was a bit of a shaky start but this summer she's really gotten into it. I've loved watching her read to her younger sisters too. It's been quite a relief to have her help out at bedtime while I put Lucienne down. Evelyn is trying to keep up with her older sister and working hard at learning to read. I think I'll read this book to her so she can join the club too. Audree and Rene will have to have a "Daddy Daughter Date Night" the night of our meeting. I'm excited to read the same book as her and hear her opinions and thoughts about it. 

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