Saturday 13 October 2012

Carpet Search Finally Over

Since our newest family member, the couch, entered our home we have been on the search for a companion carpet for it. I feel like this is the first time Rene and I have been really picky. Usually we're both fairly easy going and make quick, easy decisions. We usually go to one store and find something that we both like at a price we can live with. This carpet though has really put us to the test. Rene's price cap is waaaaaaayyyyy higher than mine. He's willing to spend a small fortune on something that will look and feel really nice figuring we'll have it for a long time. I'm not willing to "invest" in a rug that may or may not survive Paris and Lucienne.

We have visited 6 stores, bought four carpets, returning three of them. It became a family affair with the girls all weighing in with their opinions. Turns out the couch, in addition to being big, is also a bit of a camillion colour. You think it has a bit of grey to it until you get a rug that has a bit of grey. But a rich brown one makes it look a completely different colour. A 2x2 sample of leather was proving to not be accurate on how these rugs are going to look with the real deal.

One of our searches lead us to The Brick. Amelia was off at Activity Girls so we took the other three with us. I wasn't sure if they had any so I ran in by myself to check then signalled to Rene to park the car and come in to look at their selection. Evelyn came in and immediately ran to watch Avatar on the "big screens". They've been begging to see that movie but we really don't think it's age appropriate. However, during our Couch Expedition we found ourselves at The Brick before and the girls were more than happy to stay out of trouble by watching this black listed movie. I wonder how often they switch their showings?

Anywho, Rene and I wondered the store for about 20 minutes looking at rugs. Finding some we liked out of our price range and some that were okay within it. As we went to gather Evelyn to leave we both looked at each other and asked, "where is Audree?" Neither of us remembered seeing her run with Evelyn to the t.v.'s and we were carrying only Lucienne. The salesman who was helping us said, "Pretty sure you only came in with two." With that, Rene ran in a panic out to the car to find a sobbing, half hysterical little Audree still strapped into her carseat at the back of the van. It took 5 minutes to get her calm enough that he could bring her into the store. When she saw me she said, between crying hiccups, "I saw you walk farther and farther away until I couldn't see you anymore and I got very scared." I turned to the salesman and said, "Thank goodness we don't even have all our children tonight." Insert nervous laugh. And we made a quick exit.

We brought one carpet and some pillows home that night only to have Amelia burst into tears when she saw them laid out and run up to her room yelling that she hated them and they were ugly. When I asked her about this reaction the next morning she nonchalantly said that "she was just feeling grumpy."

So today we decided it was time to leave Orangeville and broaden our search. Mom took us to Costco and a light shone down on their shags as we all agreed on a rug...right colour, right price, done deal. Since getting it home Paris has adopted it as her mega pillow and rarely leaves it's surface. I'm so happy we were able to find something we all liked, including the dog. 

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