Wednesday 3 October 2012

New Couch..Let the Transformation Begin

It has arrived. We are the proud new owners of a new-to-us-deluxe-leather-sectional-reclining-couch. This is the first "big" furniture purchase we have made in our almost 11 years of marriage. The other was a king sized mattress when Evelyn was born and she made it quite clear she would be sleeping in our bed for the long run. Other than that, most of our stuff have been hand-me-downs, garage sale or curbside finds (both of which we appreciate and certainly were easy on the bank account).

Back to the couch. It's big. A lot bigger in our livingroom than the one it came from (which was probably about 3 times the size of our room with a wall full of windows). It's also a different colour than I was thinking and is kind of clashing with our walls and wood trim. Can you sense my hesitation? I will admit I'm not loving it right off the bat. It is very comfortable though, as in very, very, very comfortable. And we can fit our whole family plus guests on it. And it reclines, electronically (although I'm sensing we're going to have to have some rules surrounding the recliners as I see the potential of them being abused/played with by little hands). I think it will grow on me with the right accessories.

So, on to the accessories. Now that we have this couch I think some things are going to need to be changed and added to make it work. Although I do feel a little indulgent when I think of the millions of homes in this world that don't even have a couch. But, in my little world, this couch has given us the incentive to redecorate the livingroom.

The first, and most exciting to me, is that Rene has agreed to paint the trim white. This is a big deal (more to Rene than me) and I think it's going to be hard to make that first paint stroke. Living in a century home with "original" wood trim means that for over 100 years the wood has remained unpainted. However, it needs to be refinished in someway and sanding and restaining all of it seems very tedious and time consuming. It's going to change the look of the house and hopefully update the look a bit.

We'll also need a carpet so it doesn't look like we have this giant couch floating in the room. With that means some accent pillows and maybe a new table? Perhaps an accent chair and ottoman? The options are endless but our bank account is not so we'll have to see what we can with this what we have. Rene is pushing for a wall mounted flat screen t.v.

For now, we'll put our feet up and relax. And I'll try to get used to seeing this thing living in our house.

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