Friday 2 March 2012

The Changing of the Earrings

Amelia has been faithfully counting down the days she can change her earrings. I can't believe how fast 6 weeks flew by but last night was the night. She's been carrying around all the earrings she has managed to accumulate over the past few weeks (mostly from her birthday) and has been gathering opinions on what her first real pair should be. She settled on hoops, I think because they were the most different from the studs she's been wearing. I also suggested she start with one of her sterling silver pairs to be on the safe side.

I forgot how hard those first studs are to take out! I really had to pull hard and it startled Amelia but she said it didn't hurt. She lost a bit of colour but otherwise fine (I think it brought back memories from the initial piercing!!). As I was putting in the first hoop I mentioned that she should still be careful about having clean hands to touch them with...and here's where I made a big mistake. When she asked why I went into a story about how one of her classmates went to Great Wolf Lodge and how one of her earring holes get infected. It got so swollen they had to take out her earring and as it healed it closed up the hole. She now has to get them re-pierced. I only meant to educate her on how they can always be at risk of infection and that she still needs to be careful. With this story she lost a little more colour but said she was fine.

I took the second out with a tug, she lost a little more colour. Then as I was inserting the hoop she went white, then green. She then started to hyperventilate a little and said she was going to puke. I got her sitting with her head between her knees until she felt steady. The dilemma...I still needed to get that second hoop in. I managed to get her talking about all of Evelyn's suitors at school and pushed the hoop all the way through.

I'm not sure when she's going to be up to changing them again. She said the second hoop pinched a bit when it went through but she has a fairly high pain tolerance so I don't know why the reaction. Was it my gruesome teaching moment of a story? A little over the top?

Evelyn is still begging to get hers done. It will be interesting if I make the rest of the girls wait until they're 8 or just give in by Lucienne.

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