Monday 12 March 2012


I finally went to a yoga class. I've been wanting to try it for a while but never could justify the money. This year with our tax return we decided to set some aside for classes. Gymnastics and swimming for the girls, maybe a yoga class for me and gym membership for Rene. Turns out its actually cheaper to join a gym and take yoga classes through them than to join a yoga class. However, you don't get to pick the instructor or the style of the class.

I'd passed a sign advertising yoga and finally called. Turns out it's about double the price of other classes I'd priced but he does a 2 hour class. He invited me to try one to see if it's what I'm looking for. I'm always up for a free class so went. Turns out it's the "real" type of yoga with meditation and everything. Not the 40 people in a gym stretching but a small class of 4-10 people. The instructor was totally the yoga guru looking type of guy. It was an interesting class. Something that I'd have to get used to but could totally see the benefit to my body. I'm sooooo not flexible but that's not really what yoga is about (certainly a nice side effect though). There were some things I just had to laugh at. He suggested doing most of the class with your eyes closed to not be distracted so I'm glad nobody got to see my sorry attempts at some of the poses. The nice thing about a small class is that he took the time to help each person with each pose, something that I need tons of.

In the last 15 mintues of relaxation my phone rings. I didn't even know I had it in my coat. I felt terrible. After the class he said that he had put the phone outside because he had no idea how to turn it off. Truthfully, I don't know how to get it to stop ringing either without answering it.

It was Rene (no big surprise there since we're the only ones who call it...the odds of us having it on us and having it charged and on are pretty slim though so it doesn't get much usage). I knew something had to be wrong. When he called again (class was thankfully done and I had made an embarrassed exit) I could hear Lucienne SCREAMING in the background. Turns out she cried 2 of the 3 hours I was gone.

She's put a whole new dimension to my nights out now. I don't think I can commit to a 2 hour class every week if she's going to go crazy like this. I'm not even sure what I'm going to do about things like La Leche League or my book club. I hope this is a quick phase because I was enjoying my nights out.

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