Wednesday 28 March 2012

THE MOM says it's time for followers....

I've been trying to attract some family followers to our delightful Blog, but I am so blog-clueless that it's taken me a couple of shots.  Hopefully we'll start seeing some friendly familiar faces popping up as followers, but don't hold your breath!

Had kinda a crazy day today.  My dear neighbour called in desperation for a ride to her specialist eye appointment ~ so with nothing terribly critical needing my attention at work, I offered to take the morning off and take her there.  We arrived right on time at 11:30, and then waited 3 HOURS for her to be seen!  Ended up sitting next to some River Road-ites who had been there for 30 minutes before us, so spent the time chatting about the changes to our little community...that could have gone on for much longer than 3 hours, but we covered most of the major developments.  (Thank goodness no one can ever build behind us so we'll always have our river view!)  Then on the way back to drop Jan off, we stopped at the grocery/drugstore so she could get a few items while I sat in the car reading from my e-reader, which I just LOVE....great for times when I'm waiting around for something to happen.  And happen it did, or rather it didn't.  My battery died.  Didn't have the key in the ignition, but the lights were in the automatic position and I guess that still draws somewhat from the charge, enough to deplete it to negligible voltage.  (The battery is the original for my 2006 Elantra, and this is the second time it has happened, so was I really all that surprised?)  Poor Jan had to take a taxi home 'cuz she needed to be home for a daycare child she has on Wednesdays, and I had just removed my handi-dandi battery cables last week when I cleaned out the truck and forgot to put them back in....Waited 1 hour and 15 minutes for CAA and the guy said he couldn't even get a reading on my battery so I needed to drive around for at least 30 minutes to help the alternator charge it up as much as it could, but he recommended buying a new one asap.  Thank goodness, again, that I didn't need to stop for fuel!  Now, I've parked the car on the street, on a downward slope in case I need to jumpstart later, and I guess I'm leaving shortly to purchase a new battery.  Not a typical day-in-the-life-of-me, but one I'm glad is almost over...

1 comment:

  1. Well that was more exciting than a usual run-of-the-mill weekday! Hope everything goes better today! :-D
