Monday 5 March 2012

I've Created a Monster

How do people blog everyday? I have no idea.

I finally got Rene to read another book. We've been married 10 years and he's read 3 books...Narnia (which I haven't even read), Lincoln Lawyer (another I haven't read) and Hunger Games. I LOVE reading. I read all the time, usually more than one book at once. If I'm into a good book I would pick reading over watching tv/movies. There have been many nights that Rene is watching something and I'm reading something. At least it means he can pick what he wants to watch but I don't think he's ever understood why...until last week.

I tried to get him to read The Hunger Games a couple of years ago, before it got super popular. He read a bit of the first chapter, got bored and put it down. I hadn't read it yet so I didn't even know what it was about. Last week, I finally got around to getting it out from the library for me (which, of course, because it has been made into a movie I had to wait forever for it). The downside is when something has a huge, long waiting list you only get it out for 10 days. Not a problem for me, I had it read in about 2. Very entertaining book without any good spots to put it down.

This time I could tell Rene the gist of what it's about and he decided to read it. (I played up the killing part and didn't mention too much about the love story) That took a couple of days which left him with about 5 to finish it. I warned him that I had to have it returned but he nonchalantly started it.

He binged. I guess it would be like if I didn't eat chocolate for years then had a huge pile in front of me. He read it at work, at home (I made him put it down for dinner), while I watched tv, while I got the girls ready for bed, while I did the dishes (you get the point?). He read until midnight (or beyond) every night. One night we even lost power for a couple of hours and he read by candlelight. At first it was endearing, but then after days of him being non-existent in our world I started doubting if this was a good idea. I forgot that Lincoln Lawyer had brought about similar behaviour. I tried to interrupt his reading on a few occasions to have a heart-to-heart talk about nothing in particular. I thought it would be healthy for him, bring him back into the real world. He tried really hard to focus on what I was saying but at some point it just felt cruel so I let him be.

What's cute though is that ever since he finished it he's been bugging me about getting the second one, Catching Fire. I'm 4th in line on three books at the library. He was going to go out and buy it so he didn't have to wait (which I wouldn't let him do...buying books to me is a little bit of a waste of money on something you'll only use once). He talks about it every day. He has a date night planned for when the movie comes out. He's a little obsessed but there are worse things.

On Saturday, for the first time since I've known him, he went to the library to find another book to read while we wait for the sequel. However, at this time nothing can live up to Hunger Games. He read the first couple of pages of a book he got out and put it down..."it's just not the same" he said with a sad little sigh.

I think if I can get him reading more often he'll be able to strike a better balance between life and book. The 5 day deadline (which he did meet) didn't help either. I love that he has finally come out of the closet. He's a certified that I'm going to have to keep feeding.

I feel like we should have an official ceremony or something.


  1. hahaha welcome to the reading club, Rene!!

    May I recommend "The Confession" by John Grisham - it's FABULOUS, a book a guy can read, and I found it similar to Hunger Games in that I couldn't put it down, nor believe what I was reading. It's about capital punishment. AND it's not a movie (yet?) so may not be as hard to get his hands on. ;-)

    1. That was a good one...I think Mom might even have a copy of it. I don't know if he'll like the switching between characters though (which I believe is how Grisham writes?)

    2. I don't recall exactly in that one...I think it's written in third person, but you therefore see different persons/situations that pertain to the story at different times. I THINK. must have been third person 'cause I'm thinking first wouldn't have made sense. hahaha Anyway. Good luck!
