Tuesday 31 July 2012

Off the Charts

On this post back in March I stated my belief on sticker charts and my consent to try them. It was a failure with the guitar trial. I don't know if it was because the stickers went missing or the incentive wasn't worth enough but it lasted about 2 weeks before fizzling (just enough to get one package of plasticine).

At the beginning of the summer I was speaking with a good friend who devised a motivational chart to get her kids reading. I liked the idea but thought I want my kids to be doing more than just reading. There's work to be done, music to be practised, gardening and other stuff I'm sure I'm missing.

So, I worked out a chart that would cater to the fact the girls love to colour. It's a rainbow chart with colours assigned to tasks: reading - purple, writing - red, music - orange, housework - yellow, garden - green, physical activity - blue and extra - pink. There are blocks of 100 squares in 5 rows of 20 to colour in when they complete a task under any category. We went to Bulk Barn and they each got to pick out a candy that they would get when they finished colouring in a row. At the completion of the block of 100 they would get something bigger, like going to the movies or picking something out at a store. I figured a row might take a week or so to complete and a block about a month.

The first day they had all earned a candy. Two weeks, they were at their "block" reward. Amelia went and saw Brave with Rene and I went shopping for a new dress with Evelyn.  It has slowed down a bit now but we're almost into August and it's still generally working. I have double point days when they can blindly pick a colour so when they do that job they get to colour two squares instead of one.

My favourite has been the "extra" colour. That's for when I need something done, like folding diapers, helping with dinner, sorting the tuperware drawer, etc. I just call out "extra square task" and they come running, ready to do whatever I ask. It's like living in the twilight zone. It's fantastic! Sometimes I'll post notes on the tv for when they get up so they know what extra tasks there are for the day. There was one day I came downstairs and Evelyn was folding laundry, Amelia was dusting furniture and they had already swept the floor. That's not everyday by far but it has been nice to not have to do too much nagging...in general.

I'm sure our neighbours think I'm crazy when they hear me threaten to take away squares. That's the downside of these charts. I hate using them as threats but it comes out of my mouth before I can stop myself.

Today I threatened to make a chart I would colour in black every time they fought, hurt each other, talked back or didn't listen. I got the idea from scripture reading this morning that talked about being clean to enter into the kingdom of God. They were, as usual, fidgeting, playing with other things and generally not seeming to pay attention. I haven't created it yet, but it would already be pretty black. Not sure if that's the route I want to go with these charts but it sure is tempting. As a consequence of being mean to a sister I've already made them give one of their squares to that sister. I feel like I'm grasping at straws, trying to find something that will motivate them to not be so mean to each other. One thing at a time I suppose. At least my windows and bathrooms are being cleaned.

Audree's Musings

After coming home from a play date Audree announces that she's like to live there now.
Me: But who will be my Audree?
Audree: Evelyn can be me.
Me: then who will be my Evelyn?
Audree: Amelia.
Me: and who will be my Amelia?
Audree: Lucienne.
Me: so who will be my Lucienne?
Audree: You can get another dog.

Monday 30 July 2012

Our Phone Talks

For Mother's Day Rene bought me a new set of phones. At first I thought...well, that's just an excuse to get our home something that we kind of needed (our old ones would hold a charge for all of a 3 hours and we'd often be running around the house just looking for one that was charged). But, wow, I love MY new phones!!!! And to top it all off, I splurged on the weekend and signed up for call display and call answer. I was tired of having to be polite to telemarketers. I just don't feel right hanging up or being smart with them, after all, they're just trying to put food on their table and buy their kids shoes. But really, we don't need new windows or doors, we don't need our ducts clean and for frozen meat purposes we're vegetarian (the only lie I allow myself to politely excuse myself from those phone calls). The best one was The Department of Security calling to confirm we had a home security system, so happy that they care.

So, I was kind of excited for our first phone call.  The phone rang and as I went to go "look" to see who was calling, lo-and-behold, my phones told me who was calling. (turns out it was a recorded Bell message asking me to take a survey on how their service was, is that ironic?)

Now when the phone rings we all sit waiting in anticipation of how it's going to pronounce the name. I don't see this being entertaining in the long run but we'll take what we can get now. I know we're about 10 years behind the times technology speaking but we're getting there.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Let the Games Begin

After talking to Erica I finally got around to enrolling Paris in Puppy School. I know we could probably train her on our own but sometimes being accountable to a third party gets it going. Plus, I've never trained a dog and didn't really know where to start.

So, we started tonight. Actually, last Thursday was technically the first class but we didn't have to bring our dog to it. I have a friend who used the same school and warned me that the first class, sans puppy, had a lot of embarrassing (to her) role playing and weird group activities. She suggested I get Rene to go...so I gave him the option of taking all the girls to their swimming lessons (which fell on the same night) where he'd have to get them all ready, watch Lucienne and then get them all out of the pool and dried off (much easier as a two-man job) or spend the hour talking about training dogs. He jumped at the dog option while I laughed an evil laugh in my mind. I would be able to catch the last half of the class after swimming anyway and watch from the sidelines with all the girls.

After about 10 minutes of watching with the girls I decided that was not going to be an option in the future. Keeping Lucienne off the floor lasted all of 10 minutes of her squirming and doing straight-as-a-board to get down. I gave up and figured I'd disinfect her at home. Audree couldn't see over the gate and kept wanting to be picked up and Evelyn was tired and wanted to lie down on the floor. Amelia was enthrawled and luckily since she's 8 is allowed to participate in the classes.

I also realized it's going to be most benficial if both Rene and I can attend the classes. There's a lot of information that will be hard to relay to whoever misses the class.

So, the next question was who to get to watch the girls. Last fall a 12-year-old girl passed out babysitting flyers. I fished it out and gave her a call. She lives just a few houses away and I thought it would be handy to have someone to call for short jobs when it's not really worth Erica or Mom driving all the way up (although I know they would both do it!) This would be perfect to introduce her to the girls, she wouldn't have to feed them or put them into bed, we'd just be a 2 minute drive away and flexible to have one of us leave if needed.

She called 20 minutes after we left. Lucienne started screaming as soon as the car left the driveway. I suggested she take her to the toyroom as there are lots of distractions up there. I got another call 20 minutes after that (luckily the trainers are very laid back and were fine with me leaving the class to take these calls) saying the toyroom worked but Evelyn and Audree wanted to watch tv so they came down and she started crying again. We only had 20 minutes left so I told her to hang in there and we'd be home soon. Poor girl. First time babysitting and the baby cries the whole time.

She said she was game to come again next week. I think we'll have to pay her more. And Evelyn and Audree are under strict instructions that there will be no tv and if the toyroom keeps Lucienne happy they need to stay up there. I hope it goes better next time.

On the dog side, we're working on becoming the centre of Paris' universe. We need to be more important than squirrels, cats, toys and everything. To do that, I've been carrying around treats 24/7 and randomly calling her name and giving her a treat. Rene already thinks it's a waste of time. I think he was envisioning the command part of training but I can see how this is laying the groundwork so the commands will come naturally. Thankfully she's very motivated by food.

They also said there needs to be structured play with toys, to not just put the dog outside with a bone. We've had fun hanging things on the clothesline and watching her jump to get it or putting toys at the top of the slide and seeing her struggle and slip to climb up to grab it. If anything it has allowed me to spend more positive time with her instead of always being frustrated about what she's gotten into and destroyed (which is a lot). We've been doing okay with giving her physical exercise but doing nothing in the mental exercise department. 

Hmmmmmm...maybe that's why I've been frustrated with the girls lately. Maybe I need to be spending more time actually doing structured play with them instead of being frustrated with them not picking up after themselves and fighting with each other.

Not just a doggie training school, I'm learning philosophies for life...

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Like Fishes in Water

Yesterday marked the end of this session's swimming lessons. We opted for twice a week which seemed a little hectic but the girls improved so much faster. They all did wonderful. It's kind of neat seeing where Amelia is at now (being able to swim the length of the big pool) versus Audree's level (which is where Amelia started).

Amelia loves doing things she's good at (don't we all) and swimming is one of those things. She loves going, she puts her heart into it, and can see how much she's improving. I wish she would put that same heart into other areas that don't come as easily but that I know she could excel at (guitar comes to mind...I feel like that's a common thread in these blogs). If there is water around, Amelia is in it. If we're at someone's house with a pool she is in it the whole time. Even other parents have called her a fish. Chalk up another way she's like her Aunt Erica.

Audree started lessons not being able to put her head under and wanting to cling to her instructor the whole lesson. We told her if she put her face in the water we'd buy her goggles like her sisters. She did it, we bought them then forgot to bring them for the next lesson...which made that lesson pointless. She sulked the whole time and refused to do anything. That week, Paris chewed them and that was the end of the goggles. But, with the little pool in the backyard she gained confidence and little by little she was putting more of her head/face into the water. By the end of the lessons she was swimming forward with her whole head under. I think she's just as excited about this feat as we all are...so cute!

This set of lessons was Evelyn's first time in the big pool. Since she's 6 we took her out of the "animal" named lessons and put her into the "numbers". She was the most nervous of them all at the start. The water is way deeper (I wasn't even sure she'd be able to touch in the shallow end but it goes up to her chin...as long as there are no splashes or waves she's okay!) and much colder. Her endurance and stroke greatly improved but most of all her confidence sky-rocketed. She's able to jump into water now without being able to touch the bottom and swim back to the edge.

I love watching the girls learn and seeing the pride in their faces as they accomplish new things. Up to this point they've been doing swimming lessons once a year but I want to keep the momentum so I've signed them up again in the fall. We might take a break through the winter because the thought of being wet in the cold is not very motivating (plus the rec centre's parking lot is super windy and poorly designed so the walk to and from the car is torture in the winter).

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Who Let the Dog Out?

Paris getting out is a fairly common experience around here. I would say it happens an average of 4 times a week....could be more with the times she gets out then comes back without anyone knowing. More times than not no one owns up to leaving a door open. I'm beginning to think we have a wonder dog that can work door knobs but if I had to put money on it, I'd probably bet on forgetful children.

So today, she gets out again. I've learned now to put on running shoes and grab a leash before running out to find her. One memorable moment was tackling her on the side of the road and pulling her home by the scruff of her neck because I had neither shoes to chase her with or leash and collar to bring her home. I went to the usual hotspots (neighbours with dogs) but couldn't find her. At one point I thought I glimpsed her leaping hedges into a neighbour's yard but by the time I got there she was gone without a trace. I figured I needed more incentive so I ran home to quickly get some treats (I think I need to pack a get-the-dog-grab-bag and leave it by the front door). Finally, our 5-year-old neighbour girl says in her sweet voice, "I think your dog went that way" pointing down her street and about 7 houses down I see Paris "playing" with a cat. Glad I grabbed the treat because I don't think she thinks I'm as much fun as a cat. I finally got her leashed and on the way home stopped to talk to our neighbour.

Then Evelyn comes running down the street saying I have a phone call. Can I just say how great our phones are, clear as a bell reception three houses down!

The conversation goes something like this:
Me: Hello?
Caller: Hello, someone from your residence called 911?
Me: (now looking at Evelyn) Ummmmm, okay.
911 Operator: I just need to verify that everything is okay?
Me: (giving Evelyn my best death look) Everything is fine. Our dog got out but I've got her back now.
911 Operator: We'll need to send an officer to check out the situation. Can you verify your address.
Me: (Evelyn is looking at me with her most innocent expression and her trying-not-to-smile smile)  4 Bythia St.

Hang up phone. Our neighbour, who happens to be a paramedic, just starts laughing when she hears who was on the phone. About 3 minutes later (glad to know their response time is so quick, even for a non-emergency) an officer drives up and I make Evelyn speak with him. He was really nice about it and told her that even grown-ups sometimes call for their pets but that it's not really an appropriate emergency.

I think she had a flash of poor Zoe and panicked. We've had Family Home Evenings about what to do in an emergency (I'm hoping since it apparently stuck that they really are listening to what I'm teaching) but I think it's time for a refresher on what classifies as an emergency.

Later, I asked her what she said to the operator when she first called before bringing the phone to me. She told them she was 6 years old, alone in the house with her baby sister, that her dog ran away and that she didn't know where her Mom was. All the truth but I can see how it could be taken the wrong way.

To top it all off after speaking to my neighbour for 10 minutes I realized that Lucienne was home alone (the girls had all come out for the police rendezvous). Thank goodness they didn't investigate the situation further.

Thursday 19 July 2012

How Much is Too Much?

We have too much stuff. I can't remember if I've blogged about this before but every now and then I just get tired of all our stuff. It might have more to do with all the cleaning of stuff then the stuff itself. But regardless, today is a too much stuff day.

A few months back I packed up all our Zhu-Zhu pet stuff. I was actually getting tired of prying them out of Paris' mouth. They were too much like real little hamsters...at least now we know that having a pet hamster, rat, squirrel, bunny or anything small that moves is out of the question. Anyway, I don't think the girls have even noticed. At least they haven't asked about them and it's been a few months. I also packed up all the Little People paraphanalia, lots of games and puzzles, stuffed animals and other miscellanseous toys and they haven't seemed to miss any of it.

I feel like giving them each a bin and saying "fill it up with the stuff you want to keep and we'll get rid of the rest. If it doesn't fit in the bin you'll have to make some choices". I'll never actually do that because I would have a mutiny on my hands but a mother can dream.

So today I went on a silent rampage through the house and tried to par down. Silent because if I drew attention to what I was doing, again, a mutiny would occur.  I started in their room with their clothes and managed to clear out two basketfulls of things that were either too small or that they just didn't wear. Next stop was the toyroom where I managed to clear out 2 garbage bags full of stuff. I'll put them away for a few months and if nothing gets asked for it'll go. I won't pitch it right now, I do have a heart (even if they'll say otherwise sometimes).

I feel a little better, a little lighter. Although while I was busy doing this a tornado ran through the main floor. I wonder if I'll ever win.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Soccer Stars

Soccer started a couple weeks ago. There's a great league a little north of Orangeville that is way less competitive than in-town. All ages are on one night in one giant field...there are probably 20 games running at the same time from ages 4 to 16. They practice for the first half hour then have an hour game. The girls played a couple years ago but spent most of the time picking flowers and holding hands (yes, those were my children) so we opted out last year. This year some of their friends were playing so we're giving it another try. So far, much better.

The Easter Bunny brought them shin-guards which seems to have given them a little more confidence in going after the ball.

Evelyn is the cutest. She has the biggest grin the whole time she's on the field and gets right into the scrummage (6 kids on the field for each team means 24 feet kicking at the ball). Amelia stands out a bit and waits for the ball the emerge. Turns out, she plays sports as a lefty. She also spends a little too much time waiting for the ball to come to her. One game we kept yelling at her to go get the ball. Apparently we yelled her name too much and she came off for break in tears. I felt terrible but should have known. Every time she heard her name she probably felt like EVERYBODY was watching just her, and she's not a spotlight kind of gal. We now don't say her name at all and she's having a much better time.

Tonight, Rene opted to stay home and out of all nights both girls got shots on goal (neither went in but it was a pretty big accomplishment for them just to get there). I imagine he won't miss another game!!

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Lucienne Turns One

My baby is one. I can hardly believe it. I know they all grow up so fast but I think this year set the record as being the fastest year ever.

She is a delightful baby. A complete joy and perfect addition to our family. She's quick to smile and easy to stop crying (usually just needs to be in my arms and she's good to go). In her baby blessing Rene blessed her to be a peacemaker...and it worked! I now tell all father's preparing to bless their babies to make sure they mention this word, it's a miracle word!

I LOVE  her little curls.  Fingers crossed she has Rene's hair! They are especially cute when it's really hot out and she's sweaty. And she has stayed brunette!! I now tell people we were never trying for a boy, just for a brunette.

She loves to get reactions, especially from her sisters. I love watching her face in anticipation of having one of her sisters see her latest antic. Sometimes I see her watching them, waiting for them to look at her so she can put on a show. She loves being right in the middle of things and will always position herself accordingly, bum-scooching herself to wear the action is.

She wins, hands down, for the loudest, most ear-piercing scream. My ears actually ring after she screams, and because of the reaction she gets there's always more than one scream in a row. Evelyn loves this the most and will usually join in. Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. She also loves to yell, more specifically, she loves to join in the yelling. Even if it's just me yelling that dinner is ready she'll yell right along with me.

She also loves to laugh and has a great fake laugh for when everyone around is laughing.

She has always loved hair. I don't know if this is because my hair is the longest it's ever been but if there's hair anywhere near her she will pull it. I have to remember to have an elastic on my wrist for when I nurse her or else I'm constantly wrestling fistfuls out of her fingers. I looked after a friend's little boy who seemed to love having his hair pulled, a match made in heaven. He would lay his head in her lap and she would go to town on his head. She gets very excited when Roxy or Paris come close and since she's learned to move I have to always watch to make sure they don't get mangled. Audree seems to get the worst of it, especially when they're strapped in the bike trailer together. She's actually taken to wearing hoodies so Lucienne can't get a hold of her hair. She'll often pull at her own hair when going to sleep. I guess she figures since she finds it soothing we must all feel the same.

She hates diaper changes and is my first baby to squirm to get away mid change. Thankfully I always change on the floor so no real danger, just annoying! Especially on the poopy ones.

She loves standing up on things but will cry until someone helps her sit down again. My latest walker (we're still waiting for those first steps) but by now I've learned the longer you can keep them relatively immobile, the better. She does love stairs though and will be entertained forever on one stair, going up and down, up and down, up and down. She also loves doors thresholds and will scooch back and forth over them over and over again.

Her first word is officially bye-bye with the wave to match it. But she'll only say it if someone is actually leaving.

She loves her Daddy and lights up when he comes home. I think she'd break all records for bum-scooching in her race to get to him. And when he picks her up she always looks back to me with the biggest grin on her face.

She loves to drop things...food off her tray (Paris loves this one), anything down the stairs (especially laundry baskets, and if there's laundry in them, bonus), everything out of her crib. She'll grab things out of my hand just to drop them on the floor. Over the side of the couch is even better. Of course, she wants them picked up again so she can throw them again...and being put on the ground is not an option for this game.

She LOVES bathtime, especially if one of her sisters is in to play with her.  She's figured out how to work the nozzles and the plug and of course loves throwing all the toys out of the tub.

She has many nicknames (I knew that would happen when we decided on Lucienne). I call her Lucie or Luce or Lucie-Lu, Audree says Lucie-Goosie, Rene is Lu-Lu. But whatever she's called she's as cute as a button and I love her to bits.