Thursday 10 May 2012

Aches and Pains

Lately my lower back has been consistently bothering me. And I get these weird muscle spasms/pains in my left arm. I chalked it up to getting old...although I don't really consider myself THAT old. Then last night while giving the girls a bath I decided to weigh Lucienne - it has been awhile. She's 20 lbs. I'm carrying around a 20 lb weight all day (she prefers to see the action from high rather than the floor).

She is finally trying to get around by doing the classic Lalonde scoot. A bum shuffle that looks like a crab with a broken leg. It deceiving because she's always "sitting" so not always obvious that she's moving until I see her getting into the dirt of the plants, the dog's water dish or she's stuck under the table.

Her favourite thing these days is knocking down towers. I love how she always looks up to see my reaction. She still loves pulling hair and has taken clumps out of poor Audree's hair. I've been on the receiving end of her frenzies (she does resemble a shark at a feeding frenzy...she really gets intense when she gets close enough to someone's head) and she's not gentle. It really hurts. If only babies weren't so cute it would be easier to be stern with her. She also loves to bite but the more stern I am with her the louder she laughs. Luckily she hasn't decided to play this game while feeding.

She has 6 teeth now. And I don't know if it's because no more are coming in but she slept 8 hours last night!!!!!! That's the first time in a few months she's gone that long. Also the first time in the last few months I haven't felt like something is breaking through her mouth. I guess the real test will be tonight to see if it was a lucky break for me or if she really has been suffering with teething. Audree and Roxy were in our bed so I didn't actually sleep the whole time but at least I didn't have to get out of bed.

Lucienne is such a joyful baby. She LOVES her sisters. And she LOVES her Mom. She loves her Dad only if I'm not in the room...we're working on that!!

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