Monday 21 May 2012

Victoria Day Holiday

What a crazy, fun, productive day today. Here's the run-down...

Rene finally started on the summer kitchen project, thanks to Erica bringing up her mitre saw for us to borrow. Who would have thought we'd ever need to borrow a tool? Right when we were ready to begin (and by we I mean Rene) Rene's saw started acting up. Turns out it's a switch that's on backorder and it's been 4 weeks. Anyway, he has the framing of the walls done. I'm excited to add another "useful" room to the house. We have been using is as a dumping ground for stuff with a side of exercise equipment. Once we can put the treadmill in there it will clear up a room for Amelia to go in and I have two more rooms to decorate and move around furniture in. I'm kind of hoping to put the piano in there too but it will depend on how regular the temperature ends up being in there. I'd love it to be an exercise/music/mudroom...that's my goal. Rene's thinking more man-cave with a pool table and 50" screen. I'll let him think that until it's done but seriously, not going to happen.

Audree decided to play hairdresser and give herself some very trendy, very short bangs. It actually kind of works. It blends in with her hair (luckily it was a pretty little chunk) and it's keeping the hair off her face. She's on to something...her talent is already shining through.

I worked on the gardens all day. Yay for garden centres being open today!

The girls went to our neighbour's to run through their sprinkler. While there an ambulance pulled up. Their Mom, a paramedic for Peel, had just taken someone to Headwaters Hospital and dropped in to say hi to her girls before heading back to her shift. So, we all got an impromptu tour of an ambulance. Kind of neat but hope that's the only time I'll see the inside of one of those.

Paris jumped through our screen door. She just got tired of waiting for someone to let her in I guess. Although it means we have to replace the screen it's pretty amazing that she can jump that high. It's a top-half screen door so the bottom is wood and the screen is on the upper half. There's no room to have a running start so she would have jumped from a standing position. Maybe we have a future agility star! As long as there are no cats or squirrels in the area.

As an end of the day celebration Rene decided to take the girls to the fireworks. They were soooo excited (and by they I mean all three) and I was kind of looking forward to a peaceful evening on my own to read. Turns out there were no fireworks and a very disappointed crew returned home after 10 minutes. It was 9:45pm and the girls were too bummed to go to bed so I dug out some sparklers left over from birthdays and we sparklered in the front yard. I told them if they held them up to the sky and squinted they looked like fireworks. It was a little sad but what can you do. We heard lots of fireworks going off but couldn't see any of them. I guess we'll have to wait for Canada Day.

1 comment:

  1. I used to think that sparklers were the funnest part of fireworks...that and the school house exploding at the end!
