Monday 7 May 2012

Moving Furniture...again

Erica says I take after Mom. I love changing around furniture. Rene hates it but loves me so he lives with it!! I've learned not to do it with him, it would possibly lead to the end of our marriage. There was one time I asked him to help me with moving the couch and it was not pretty.

Anyway, I've had the bug to change something lately. I did our room last month, the livingroom the month before so I was long overdue. I sat in the girls room contemplating what I could do. With a bunkbed, daybed and two bureaus, not to mention a chimney, there aren't many options. I thought about how Amelia has been getting tired of being on the top bunk but I don't really like the idea of either Evelyn or Audree being up there. Audree is up every night and I know would not be able to navigate the ladder and I have a sneaking suspicion Evelyn may sleepwalk (not a lot but a few times in the past) and I just wouldn't trust her to get down safely. Amelia sleeps like a log (her father's daughter) so she's the best candidate. However, she's been up there for a few years now and needs a change. We've alluded to her getting her own room and I wonder if the excitement comes from having her own space or not being on the top bunk.

After about 1/2 an hour of measuring I finally came up with a way that all three beds would fit (but we wouldn't be able to access the trundle under the day bed) and keep both bureaus in there. It would be walking space only between beds with small square footage of changing room in front of the bureaus and closet. If anything, I'm kind of hoping that there isn't enough room to play in there so the toys won't migrate so much (we'll see how that theory holds).

The next task was to get the beds apart. I wanted to get it done before Rene came home from work but they sure are easier to take apart with two people. I called a couple friends to see if they wanted to stop by but neither were home. So, I tackled it on my own. Using brute strength and masterful placement of pillows I came up with a plan that involved closing my eyes and giving the top bunk a good yank and hoping that it landed neatly and straight on the bottom bed. It worked!!! After that it was easy...except for the three kids and dog who decided that out of the whole house that was the room to be in. It's not easy being this popular.

I got it all done before the girls got home from school. I just waited until one wondered up to their room, it was Evelyn. She screamed when she saw it and came running down to grab Amelia. After she saw it she came into the kitchen and gave me a big hug and said "thanks Mom". I love those moments!

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