Wednesday 9 May 2012

Audree's Terrifying Trip

Audree has graduated to a two wheeler bike with training wheels this year. She loves riding a big girl bike along with her sisters. I love that she wants to! But after today I'm not sure if/when she'll get on it again!!

I let her ride up and down the sidewalk past two of our neighbour's houses. It's far enough that she can get a bit of a ride before having to turn around but close enough that she can still hear me. I was pulling out dandelions in our yard so not really paying attention. I hear this blood curdling scream and look up expecting to see a bloody  mess on the sidewalk only to see her across the street in another's neighbour's driveway. Apparently she somehow turned her bike beside a driveway and the momentum was enough to get her across the street. I said a quick prayer of thanks as I ran to her that no cars had come.

She was terrified. I don't think I've ever felt her little heart beating so fast. She didn't want anything to do with that bike again so I'm really hoping that in the next couple of days she'll get back on. We'll be doing some practising of braking and I'll have to not be multi-tasking when she's riding.

It made me re-remember how quickly things can change. In a blink of an eye.

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