Sunday 6 May 2012

Rene's Dream Calling

For the 10 1/2 years we've been married Rene has almost always had a leadership position at church. Ward Mission Leader twice and Young Men's President twice. He had a short stint of being 2nd councillor in the Bishopric and an even shorter stint as a councillor in an Elder's quorum presidency. He's been ready for a break for awhile. He's tired of being in charge.

With the new Ward creation a few weeks ago I think he was a little hopeful that he would get a new calling but since he's been the Ward Mission Leader for just over a year he figured he wouldn't even be considered.

So this morning things were as usual. He went to his early 7:30am meeting and came to get us to go to church. It wasn't until I looked at the clock in the car that I realized he was 20 minutes later than usual. I gave him a look and asked if his meeting went long. He said, "not really". Then I asked if he met with the Bishop. He paused (pauses say a lot!!) and said, "maybe" and then he wouldn't give me a straight answer. Do you have a new calling? "No". Seriously? "No". Really, do you have something new? "Yes". Really? "No". And so it continued all the way to church.

And...he was called as 1st councillor in the Young Men's program. He LOVES that program. He was tired of being in charge of it but he loves being with the youth. And to top it off, Matt Regimbal, a good friend of his who he loves spending time with and has a great deal of respect for, is the President. Heavenly Father couldn't have given him a more perfect calling. He is soooooo excited! I think he was a little annoyed that I spoiled his surprise but I'm excited for him. It's been hard watching him dutifully fulfil his calling but knowing that his heart wasn't really into it.

Although I realize this means he might be gone a little more it will be worth seeing him happy and excited about the things he gets to do.

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