Saturday 26 May 2012

The Wait

This weekend the girls slept over at Erica and Grandma's place. It took some discussion but finally it was decided that Evelyn was going to Erica's and Amelia and Audree would be going to Grandmas. The deciding factor on Amelia's part being who had access to Treehouse.

I can't remember what it was like to wait for something with no real notion of time. Amelia is old enough now that she's gets how long and hour is and can look at a clock and figure out what time it is and about how long there is to go. Poor Evelyn is not at this stage yet. Every two minutes (starting at about 7am) she was asking when Erica was coming to pick her up. Finally, I set the kitchen timer so she could watch the time decrease. However, she then starting asking every two minutes when the timer was going to ring. I banned her from asking and told her she would just have to watch it. So, she sat for about an hour, just watching the timer. I could hear her in the livingroom excitingly counting down "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" followed by a disappointed "ohhhhhh" when it wasn't the final countdown.

I finally took them out grocery shopping so the time would pass a little quicker for her.

Sidenote: It's been awhile since I took the three of them shopping together (Luci was sleeping) and now I remember why. There's a good reason why cars shouldn't be able to fit more than two carseats. Because only a crazy person goes out with more than two kids.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me think of the time Jan and I took the girls (Luci was just a twinkle in your eye at the time...)while you and Rene went to the Temple, and we stopped at Fortinos on the way home...Jan's comment, with her lovely British accent, when we got back to the car was something along the lines of "They really do suck the life out of you, don't they?!" I laughed so hard, and I don't know if it was out of exhaustion or not!! I think the ONLY way to survive is to find something to laugh about at the end...
